Tokotna Register

Adler 42482

Alpha | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 10/22/2019
Reached on 03/02/2020
Reached on 08/07/2020
Adler 42482
Aurora Perks
Custom Message

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
230 HP
Tokens: 190
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Tribal Dominance: 10
Lamb Totem: 15
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+230 Applied HP230
Adler 42482 PotA 1
(by theo-ddchild - 848983626)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(lore)8
Adler 42482 PotA 2
(by theo-ddchild - 849170665)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(starter - Mauja 10)8
Adler 42482 PotA 3
(by theo-ddchild - 849309446)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(starter - Akna 15)8
300/300 (4 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Efficient Fisher
(by sapphiresquire - 817355295)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)7
Lighting the Way
(by sapphiresquire - 817355299)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)7
Adler at the Shore
(by sapphiresquire - 817355286)
3(fb colored shaded) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)7
RoD Adler and Elementary Prompt 9
(by demonicrose - 831436458)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(collab) + 2(starter - Kamik 08) + 3(tribemate - Elementary 42284)13
RoD Adler and Elementary Prompt 10
(by demonicrose - 831436450)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(collab) + 2(starter - Kamik 08) + 3(tribemate - Elementary 42284)13
RoD Adler and Elementary Prompt 7
(by demonicrose - 831436444)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(collab) + 2(starter - Kamik 08) + 3(tribemate - Elementary 42284)13
Tribe Fishing Oct 30 IV
(by dunrosiel - 818665215)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 2(collab) + 2(superstar - Selene 39590) + 3(tribemate - Selene 39590)13
Tribe Fishing Oct 30 III
(by dunrosiel - 818665521)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 2(collab) + 2(superstar - Selene 39590) + 3(tribemate - Selene 39590)13
Tribe Fishing Oct 30 II
(by dunrosiel - 818665869)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 2(collab) + 2(superstar - Selene 39590) + 3(tribemate - Selene 39590)13
Tribe Fishing Oct 30 I
(by dunrosiel - 818666186)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 2(collab) + 2(superstar - Selene 39590) + 3(tribemate - Selene 39590)13
Roll Payment 08
(by marblesplotch - 816674532)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 07
(by marblesplotch - 816674541)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 06
(by marblesplotch - 816674558)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 05
(by marblesplotch - 816674576)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 04
(by marblesplotch - 816573139)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 03
(by marblesplotch - 816573149)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 02
(by marblesplotch - 816573158)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 01
(by marblesplotch - 816573183)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 12
(by marblesplotch - 819125056)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 11
(by marblesplotch - 819125065)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 10
(by marblesplotch - 819125076)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 09
(by marblesplotch - 819125087)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 25
(by marblesplotch - 828219709)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(cave) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 26
(by marblesplotch - 828219704)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(cave) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
Roll Payment 27
(by marblesplotch - 828219699)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(cave) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13
24 (11 HP) Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total
Roll Payment 28
(by marblesplotch - 828219693)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(cave) + 1(1 alpha -Sherbert 34720) + 3(superstar II - Sherbert 34720) + 3(tribemate - Sherbert 34720)13