Tokotna Register

Allistar 45259

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Dire [25%]
Achieved on 03/11/2020
Reached on 08/15/2022
Tier 1 Bonded on 05/20/2020
Allistar 45259
Custom Message
Fremont gold//hunter and caver


Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
40 HP
Tokens: 10
AoA (Excellent): 10
Bonded: 20
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
Rite of Fertility Rite of Merit Little Feather
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 879418633)
8(1690WC) + 4(non-com) + 2(handler) + 2(rite)16
Fishing Trip
(by buckyb00 - 833187789)
3(fb colored/shaded) + 2(bg) + 3(PL fishing)8
Exploring Nature
(by buckyb00 - 833085413)
3(fb colored/shaded) + 2(bg) + 3(PL explore) + 2(handler)10
RoG Varieties Missing
(by leprechaunpirate - 832677839)
7(1401WC) + 2(handler) + 2(rite) 11
RoF Varieties Cooked Fish
(by leprechaunpirate - 832462229)
9(1821WC) + 2(rite)11
RoM Varieties Frozen Water
(by leprechaunpirate - 831856757)
8(1609WC) + 2(rite) + 2(starter tokota) + 1(Alpha tokota - Rainwater AF8)13
Art Payment ll Explore ll 2
(by autumnflick - 830359650)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(handler) + 3(PL explore) 9
Allistar Bonding 3
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 838236908)
6(1368WC) + 4(non-com) + 2(handler) + 2(rite)14
Allistar Bonding 2
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 838222722)
6(1285WC) + 4(non-com) + 2(handler) + 2(rite)14
Allistar Bonding 1
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 829644861)
6(1249WC) + 4(non-com) + 2(handler) + 2(rite)14
A Trippy Adventure
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 892976787)
6(1387WC)+ 2(explore) + 4(non-com) + 2(handler)14
Ahote Bonding 1
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 898458265)
7(1419WC)+ 4(noncom)+ 2(handler)13
Bear hunting with Allistar and Ahote
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 904156275)
6(1215 WC) +2(hunt) +4(non-com)12
Salt Gala Allistar Hunt 1
(by silver-ouroboros - 900963258)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(hunt) +2(superstar Gala-53974)9
Salt Gala Allistar Hunt 2
(by silver-ouroboros - 902967607)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(explore) +2(superstar-Gala)8
Salt Gala Allistar Explore 1
(by silver-ouroboros - 903065697)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(explore) +2(superstar-Gala)8
PvP balancing act
(by glitterghostie - 913403844)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(show)6
Explorations 4 4 Tokotas Exploring
(by arpg-stalkerhare - 913745636)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR)7
Explorations 3 4 Tokotas Exploring
(by arpg-stalkerhare - 913745639)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR)7
Explorations 2 4 Tokotas Exploring
(by arpg-stalkerhare - 913745646)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR)7
Explorations 1 4 Tokotas Exploring
(by arpg-stalkerhare - 913745649)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR)7
RoD Allistar Mighty roars
(by aquene-lupetta - 922500648)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite)7
+40 Applied HP40
103/300 (15 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Allistar Sheet Copy
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 917765547)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(collab)x25)/2 = 6262
RoD Allistar Bad bear
(by aquene-lupetta - 923157974)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite)7
RoD Allistar Hallo
(by aquene-lupetta - 923912747)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite)7
Allistar Healing
(by blvd-of-brokendreams - 932312122)
4(865 WC) +2(heal) +4(non-com) +2(handler)12
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total