Tokotna Register

Mitchell 47730

Dominant | Male | Barbary Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 09/04/2021
Reached on 03/24/2022
Mitchell 47730
Custom Message
Snow white, Hunter

Applied HP
10 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Excellent): 10
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+10 Applied HP10
Hunting Interrupted
(by haroah - 848515678)
+6(1208 WC) +3(PL hunt) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 45204, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Exploration A Succulent Business 11
(by haroah - 848098953)
+6(1208 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Fishing A Succulent Business 10
(by haroah - 847776110)
+6(1218 WC) +3(PL fish) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Hunting A Succulent Business 4
(by haroah - 847331971)
+6(1220 WC) +3(PL hunt) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II)17
Tribe Hunting A Succulent Business 8
(by haroah - 847751450)
+6(1234 WC) +3(PL hunt) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Exploration A Succulent Business 9
(by haroah - 847758897)
+7(1415 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 18
Tribe Exploration A Succulent Business 7
(by haroah - 847659817)
+6(1237 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Fishing A Succulent Business 6
(by haroah - 847473411)
+6(1243 WC) +3(PL fish) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Hunting A Succulent Business 1
(by haroah - 847331701)
+7(1431 WC) +3(PL hunt) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II)18
Tribe Exploration A Succulent Business 3
(by haroah - 847331911)
+6(1288 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Exploration A Succulent Business 2
(by haroah - 847331841)
+6(1206 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Tribe Fishing A Succulent Business 5
(by haroah - 847355477)
+6(1259 WC) +3(PL fish) +2(handler) +3(Tokota 7114, Tokota 38273, Tokota 47819 are alpha tokotas) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 17
Hunting Nature s Aviary
(by haroah - 848936785)
+6(1214 WC) +3(PL hunt) +2(handler) +1(Tokota 7114 is alpha tokota) +3(Tokota 7114 is superstar II) 15
Fishing Lemonegrass 4
(by haroah - 848642801)
+3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(fish) +1(Tokota 47754 is alpha tokota) +2(Tokota 47754 is a tribemate)10
Fishing Lemonegrass 3
(by haroah - 848642792)
+3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(fish) +1(Tokota 47754 is alpha tokota) +2(Tokota 47754 is a tribemate)10
76/300 (1 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
AoA RoR The Invisible Beast
(by haroah - 847890915)
+3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +1(1 companion) +2(Tokota 47940 is a tribemate)10
AoA RoF Discovery
(by haroah - 847890934)
+3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +1(1 companion) +2(Tokota 47940 is a tribemate)10
AoA RoM Diving Days
(by haroah - 847890945)
+3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +1(1 companion) +2(Tokota 47940 is a tribemate)10
Lemonegrass Diving 6 15
(by fleetingstability - 973954549)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(ID 48531 is superstar)9
Lemonegrass Diving 7 15
(by fleetingstability - 973954556)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(ID 48531 is superstar)9
Lemonegrass Diving 8 15
(by fleetingstability - 973954557)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(ID 48531 is superstar)9
Lemonegrass Diving 9 15
(by fleetingstability - 973954560)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(ID 48531 is superstar)9
Lemonegrass Diving 10 15
(by fleetingstability - 973954571)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL AR) +2(ID 48531 is superstar)9
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total