Tokotna Register

Pax 49428

Alpha | Female | Razor Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 09/18/2020
Reached on 11/29/2020
Reached on 04/20/2021
Pax 49428
Aurora Perks

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
365 HP
Tokens: 320
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Tribal Dominance: 10
Lamb Totem: 15
Toko Teddy: 5
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+365 Applied HP365
300/300 (115 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Tokotas RoD Wolf Pax 1
(by oceanfreezie - 862337284)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)6
Tokotas RoD Wolf Pax 2
(by oceanfreezie - 862337476)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)6
Tokotas RoD Wolf Pax 3
(by oceanfreezie - 862337678)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)6
Jill Dun 4 30
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743508)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Jill Dun 8 30
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743504)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Jill Dun 12 30
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743501)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Jill Dun 16 30
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743496)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(explore) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Dunrosiel Caving 12 12
(by fleetingstability - 873952687)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(cave)6
Jill Dun 20 30
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743494)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Marble and Jill Dun 30 30 Hunt
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743448)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Jill Dun 24 30 Hunt
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743441)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Jill Dun 28 30 Hunt
(by lexii-bunnii - 867743439)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Dunrosiel Caving 11 12
(by fleetingstability - 873952684)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(cave)6
(by mizie-wolf - 867896418)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
(by mizie-wolf - 867896413)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
(by mizie-wolf - 867896408)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(fish) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
(by mizie-wolf - 867896403)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
Dunrosiel Caving 10 12
(by fleetingstability - 873952677)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(cave)6
(by mizie-wolf - 867896434)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
(by mizie-wolf - 867896429)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
(by mizie-wolf - 867896422)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(hunt) + 3(tribemate - Sophie 43792)9
AoA 1 3 RoM Strudel P raks Ti Di ke Hochu
(by flickabee-arpg - 855288711)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)6
AoA 2 3 RoF Strudel P raks Ti Di ke Hochu
(by flickabee-arpg - 855288973)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite)6
AoA 3 3 RoA Strudel P raks Ti Di ke Hochu
(by flickabee-arpg - 855289058)
2(fb colored) + 2(bg) + 2(rite) + 2(starter - Mauja 10)8
6 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total
Dunrosiel Caving 9 12
(by fleetingstability - 873952669)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(cave)6