Tokotna Register

Aegir 51649

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Toki
Reached on 07/02/2023
Aegir 51649
Custom Message
Diver, Beluga, Narwhal

Activity Successes
Applied HP
250 HP
Tokens: 250
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+250 Applied HP250
88/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
ChTravels Hunt 4
(by puddabest - 964879642)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + hunt (2) + noncom (4)10
ChTravels Hunt 3
(by puddabest - 964879627)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + hunt (2) + noncom (4)10
ChTravels Hunt 2
(by puddabest - 964879633)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + hunt (2) + noncom (4)10
Burd hunt 3
(by puddabest - 969051643)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + collab (3) + activity image (2)9
Burd hunt 2
(by puddabest - 969051635)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + collab (3) + activity image (2)9
Burd hunt 1
(by puddabest - 969051640)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + collab (3) + activity image (2)9
Essplore c
(by puddabest - 969051653)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + collab (3) + activity image (2) + tribe (2) ID 2154311
KFC Dive 2
(by puddabest - 970533557)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + activity (2) + noncom (4)10
KFC Dive 1
(by puddabest - 970533568)
fullbody (2) + background (2) + activity (2) + noncom (4)10
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total