Tokotna Register

Vashti 5308

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Dire [10%]
Achieved on 12/15/2015
Reached on 01/22/2019
Vashti 5308
Aurora Perks

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
5 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Average): 5
152/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+5 Applied HP5
RoK The Chase
(by chipo-h0p3 - 578116219)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Rite) +2 (Handler)9
RoF Campfire Stories
(by chipo-h0p3 - 576616312)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Rite) +2 (Handler)9
RoM Dire Situation
(by chipo-h0p3 - 575515969)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Rite) +2 (Handler)9
A Stroll in the Woods
(by furyred - 686648357)
2 (Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Explore) +1 (PL) +2 (Handler) +2 (Tokota Mauja 10 - Starter) +1 (Tokota Bus 20654 - Alpha) +3 (Tokota Bus 20654 - Superstar II) +1 (Silver Bells - Affiliated Species) +4 (Non-Com)20
To Many Creatures
(by furyred - 686611743)
2 (Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Explore) +1 (PL) +2 (Handler) +2 (Tokota Mauja 10 - Starter) +1 (Tokota Bus 20654 - Alpha) +3 (Tokota Bus 20654 - Superstar II) +1 (Silver Bells - Affiliated Species) +4 (Non-Com)20
Exploration Daisy
(by teariffic - 555188211)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Explore) +1 (PL) +1 (200 WC)9
(by catnipwolf - 703966904)
​​2 (Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Hunt) +1 (PL)7
(by catnipwolf - 703966332)
​2 (Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Hunt) +1 (PL)7
(by catnipwolf - 703965624)
​2 (Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Hunt) +1 (PL)7
2 2 Hunting Rolls for Rivers of Red
(by maybeaghostart - 703865080)
2 (Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Hunt) +1 (PL)7
Hunting Huge Reward
(by colorfulhoovednights - 685074114)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (Hunt) +1 (PL) +2 (Handler)10
Tokotas Anniversary 3
(by furyred - 688655143)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +4 (Non-Com)9
Tokotas Anniversary 2
(by furyred - 688655157)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +4 (Non-Com)9
RoK Please Come Down Commission
(by furyred - 688195400)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +4 (Non-Com)9
Yay Vashti
(by rivers-of-red - 703976566)
2 (Shaded + Colored Headshot) +4 (Non-Com)6
35/300 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
RoD When will my reflection shooowww
(by pvppybiites - 780516113)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +1 (1 Companion)6
Let s Get You Out of Here RoD
(by furyred - 739325550)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +2 (556 WC) +1 (1 Companion) +2 (Rite) +4 (Non-Com)14
Calming Presence RoD
(by furyred - 733693225)
3 (Shaded + Colored Fullbody) +2 (BG) +3 (685 WC) +1 (1 Companion) +2 (Rite) +4 (Non-Com)15
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total