Tokotna Register

Oregon 61115

Average | Female | Rough Mane | Tokota
Oregon 61115
Aurora Perks

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
Aippaq's Inheritance - 200 HP for Dominant
0 HP
Tokens: 0
79/200 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
things are happening
(by theasterik - 1028593753)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR) +2(ID 52644 is superstar)9
man I m so tired and for what I slept so long
(by theasterik - 1028749978)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)7
the blade on your pendulum
(by theasterik - 1028961821)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)7
an obstacle
(by theasterik - 1028955364)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)7
soooo that happened
(by theasterik - 1029022292)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR) +1(ID 32415 is alpha tokota) +2(ID 32415 is superstar)10
Toko Fish 29 1 2 En
(by onyxianarpg - 1030040369)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR) +1(ID 66733 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 66733 is superstar II)11
Toko Fish 30 2 2 En
(by onyxianarpg - 1030040361)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR) +1(ID 66733 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 66733 is superstar II)11
RoM Milo and Oregon
(by eaglecrest-arpg - 1049276901)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite)10
En zu Rolls
(by chirpybirb - 1038423847)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(LK AR)7
0/250 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total