Tokotna Register

Violante 61705

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Reached on 03/29/2023
Violante 61705
Aurora Perks
Custom Message
🌟2 UT: Forager, Popular

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
152 HP
Tokens: 152
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+152 Applied HP152
T Hunt trad roll 10
(by doctorlinnec - 944984843)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Hunt trad roll 8
(by doctorlinnec - 944984246)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Fishing trad roll 7
(by doctorlinnec - 944951754)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Fishing trad roll 6
(by doctorlinnec - 944951564)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Fishing trad roll 5
(by doctorlinnec - 944950493)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Explore trad roll 4
(by doctorlinnec - 944920822)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Explore trad roll 3
(by doctorlinnec - 944920590)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Explore trad roll 2
(by doctorlinnec - 944002286)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
T Explore trad roll 1
(by doctorlinnec - 944002092)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com)11
34/300 (1 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Peach Tea Violante RoD 3
(by kimberarpg - 955054285)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(collab) +2(rite) +2(Peach Tea 64094 is a tribemate)11
Peach Tea Violante RoD 2
(by kimberarpg - 955054282)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(collab) +2(rite) +2(Peach Tea 64094 is a tribemate)11
Peach Tea Violante RoD 1
(by kimberarpg - 955054276)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(collab) +2(rite) +2(Peach Tea 64094 is a tribemate)11
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total