Tokotna Register

Just a Bunny Rabbit 63984

Dominant | Female | Long Mane | Akota
Achieved on 03/31/2023
Reached on 07/21/2023
Just a Bunny Rabbit 63984
Aurora Perks


CE Sporting Gold Trophy
CE Sporting Gold Trophy
Applied HP
Aippaq's Inheritance - 450 HP for Alpha
31 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Awards: 6
Tribal Dominance: 10
200/200 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+31 Applied HP31
April CE 10
(by tokoqueen - 960215989)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +3(ID 43266 is tribemate) +2(Handler) +2(collab)13
Collab Exploring 2
(by tokoqueen - 962262930)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Exploring 1
(by tokoqueen - 962262770)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Exploring 4
(by tokoqueen - 962263033)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Exploring 3
(by tokoqueen - 962262971)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Fishing 1
(by tokoqueen - 962262042)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Fishing 2
(by tokoqueen - 962262417)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Fishing 3
(by tokoqueen - 962262463)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Fishing 4
(by tokoqueen - 962262493)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Hunting 2
(by tokoqueen - 962263657)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Collab Hunting 1
(by tokoqueen - 962263066)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +2(Collab) +3(ID 47234 is tribemate) +3(ID 47234 is Superstar II) +1(ID 47234 is alpha)15
Ce 1
(by tokoqueen - 963130892)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +3(ID 63742 is tribemate) +2(collab)11
16/250 (5 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
June CE Collab 4
(by tokoqueen - 969708863)
+2(FB) +2(BG) +2(show) +3(ID 43266 is tribemate) +2(collab)11
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total