Tokotna Register

Apricot 64427

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Reached on 04/25/2023
Apricot 64427

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
0 HP
Tokens: 0
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
Apricot HP
(by polyhexian - 956508328)
(1(fb uncolored) +4(non-com))x5 (0(headshot uncolored) +4(non-com))x3 37
Apricot HP 4
(by polyhexian - 956792039)
(1(fb uncolored) +4(non-com))x10 (0(headshot uncolored) +4(non-com))x3 61
Apricot HP 2
(by polyhexian - 956792067)
(1(fb uncolored) +4(non-com))x8 (0(headshot uncolored) +4(non-com))x248
Apricot HP 3
(by polyhexian - 956792048)
(1(fb uncolored) +4(non-com))x9 (0(headshot uncolored) +4(non-com))x253
Apricot Bulk HP 5
(by polyhexian - 956955541)
(1(fb uncolored) +4(non-com))x10 (0(headshot uncolored) +4(non-com))x258
34/300 (7 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Apricot 64427 Dominance 2
(by polyhexian - 958701128)
1(fb uncolored) +2(bg) +2(Rite) +4(non-com9
Apricot 64427 Dominance 3
(by polyhexian - 958701131)
1(fb uncolored) +2(bg) +2(Rite) +4(non-com9
Apricot 64427 Dominance 1
(by polyhexian - 958701085)
1(fb uncolored) +2(bg) +2(Rite) +4(non-com9
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total