Tokotna Register

Satin 66899

Dominant | Male | Wrinkle Mane | Toki
Reached on 02/26/2024
Satin 66899
Aurora Perks


Stone of Aippaq applied for Dominant Offspring
Applied HP
Aippaq's Inheritance - 450 HP for Alpha
0 HP
Tokens: 0
200/200 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
Satin RoD set
(by theo-ddchild - 1024516151)
top 3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4 (non-com) +2(rite) +1(companion) + middle 3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4 (non-com) +2(rite) +2([Boon 11072 starter)] + bottom 3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4 (non-com) +2(rite) +2([Wrangler 62701 starter)]38
Pastel Puppy EXPL 01
(by theo-ddchild - 991537087)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 09
(by theo-ddchild - 998266309)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 08
(by theo-ddchild - 998266224)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 07
(by theo-ddchild - 997995052)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 06
(by theo-ddchild - 997994972)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 05
(by theo-ddchild - 994830421)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 04
(by theo-ddchild - 994830371)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 03
(by theo-ddchild - 994155252)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Pastel Puppy EXPL 02
(by theo-ddchild - 991537564)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 08 Fish
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535600)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 07 Fish
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535611)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
250/250 (3 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
St Cv Sp AR 06 Fish
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535618)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 05 Fish
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535629)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 04 Hunt
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535640)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 03 Hunt
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535650)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 02 Hunt
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535665)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 01 Hunt
(by theo-ddchild - 1023535675)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
100ARC Cave 2
(by theo-ddarpg - 1063191221)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
100ARC Cave 4
(by theo-ddarpg - 1063191299)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
100ARC Cave 3
(by theo-ddarpg - 1063191273)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
June 2024 CE 2
(by theo-ddchild - 1065509970)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show)11
May 2024 CE 3
(by theo-ddchild - 1057584590)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show)11
Satin Canvas Cave 5
(by theo-ddchild - 1040175995)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Satin Canvas Cave 4
(by theo-ddchild - 1040175881)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Satin Canvas Cave 3
(by theo-ddchild - 1030206172)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Satin Canvas Cave 2
(by theo-ddchild - 1030206107)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Satin Canvas Cave 1
(by theo-ddchild - 1030204949)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
St Cv Sp AR 09 Hunt
(by theo-ddchild - 1030204670)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
135 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total
St Cv Sp AR 10 Fish
(by theo-ddchild - 1030204115)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
100ARC Cave 1
(by theo-ddarpg - 1063191169)
5(FB C/S+BG) +2(AR) +4(non-com) +1(ID 48326 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 48326 is superstar II)15
Satin HP Sheet
(by theo-ddarpg - 1065679312)
7 (FB C/S) x 30 = 210 /2 (recolor)105
Unlock One: 100/100