Tokotna Register

Baron Draxum 64649

Dominant | Male | Yeti Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 04/28/2023
Reached on 06/12/2023
Baron Draxum 64649

Baron Draxum
Draxum, Barry, Draxy, John Cena
Canarctos venatori
Marked collared greying sable dun lilac restricted rose chocolate roan with accents, flecking, dapple, starmarks, vitiligo, wolverine and shadowmarks
Not Bonded
140 cm
------------------------------------------ SSS: Lark FT03
----------------- SS: Quicksand 54401
------------------------------------------ SSD: Lavender 42754
Sire: Zhaleh 57810
------------------------------------------ SDS: Dirt 45557
----------------- SD: 4-Day Time Cube 53880
------------------------------------------ SDD: Pocket Galaxy 41442
------------------------------------------ DSS: Sterling 11518
----------------- DS: When Ocean Calls 48757
------------------------------------------ DSD: Stella 43299
Dam: The Daycare Attendant 56196
------------------------------------------ DDS: Black Briar NFS 53516
----------------- DD: Qerl Dox 55072
------------------------------------------ DDD:Beast in Sheep's Clothing 54222
Physical Traits
Bob Tail
Cheek Fur
Curled Tail
Floppy Ears
Lion Tail
Raptor Claws
Roman Nose
Rose Ears
Short Claws
Small Ears
Tall Ears
Non-Physical Traits
Aippaqs Fortune II: Heterozygous genes have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring. Rare mane types (Including one carrying parent) have an increased chance of passing on to offspring.
Aknas Presence: Tokotas and Tokis gain +5 slots.
Ardent: Tokota is able to be bred 1 time over the Starter Thread monthly limit.
Maujas Draw: Pups have an increased chance of inheriting a random mutation. (Chimerism, Albinism, Bloodmark, or any Hereditary mutations present in the breeding.)
Oddball: Pups will have a higher chance of inheriting physical traits (such as a bob tail, short ears, curly tail, etc.)
Passionate II: Tokota is able to be bred 2 times over the standard monthly limit.
Snow White II: Up to four companions allowed.
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Courage: Provides a +5 bonus to Racing and Teamwork Competitions.
Aippaq's Inheritance - 450 HP for Alpha
476 HP
Tracked: 293
Applied: 183
Tokens: 158
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Tribal Dominance: 10
Bright Flashlight: Increases success chance of finding items while exploring by 15%. (Will replace Dull Flashlight if already owned)
Carbon Fiber Rope: Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a caving expedition to 1%. (Replaces Rope)
Sturdy Bow: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a hunt to 1%. (can be doubled with Flint Arrows, replaces Basic Bow)
Sturdy Rod: Increases chance of collecting rarer fish by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a fishing trip to 1%. (replaces Basic Rod)
Festive Stone x1: Decor Comment Here
Large Item x4: Helmet, Gloves, Tail Edit, Face Edit
Provides a large increase to chance to pass down a hereditary trait in Breeding.
Pug (Albino)
Provides a small increase to chance to pass down a physical trait in Breeding.
Raven (Black)
Removes the chance to find trash items while Exploring. Common items will be found in the place of trash. Does not affect addendum rolls.
Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare (Spring)
25% chance to roll an extra puppy in the litter (on top of the normal roll).