Tokotna Register

Luna 67338

Average | Female | Sphinx Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 11/22/2023
Luna 67338
Aurora Perks

Lu Bug, Lulu, Looney, Dumpling, My Beloved, Honey Bunches
Canarctos venatori
Marked collared cream sable tundra with accents, flecking and pangare
Not Bonded
140 cm
Base Color Info
Guide Swatch
Special bases that only appear on last line are not passable to offspring.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Signus 21987
------------------------------------------ SSD: Ursula 8163
Sire: Busboy 31308
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Bus 20654
------------------------------------------ SDD: Malie 12584
------------------------------------------ DSS: Voleur Noir 57202
----------------- DS: Wildberry Zinger 58260
------------------------------------------ DSD: Chip 56577
Dam: Berta 66209
------------------------------------------ DDS: Akumu 53896
----------------- DD: Pacífica 55049
------------------------------------------ DDD:Ko 44100
Physical Traits
Floppy Ears
Non-Physical Traits
Primal Hunter: Tokota can hunt Raptors, Mammoth and Smilodon in Dangerous Game hunting.
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Courage: Provides a +5 bonus to Racing and Teamwork Competitions.
15 HP
Tracked: 0
Applied: 15
Tokens: 0
AoA (Average): 5
Toko Teddy: 10
Homemade Large Item x3: head and fur edits
Large Item x2: fur and tail edits
Aga Plushie
Aga Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Borga Plushie
Borga Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Meelanik Plushie
Meelanik Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Sikrinerk Plushie
Sikrinerk Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Sivoganik Plushie
Sivoganik Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Toko Teddy Bear
Toko Teddy Bear (Black)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Deer
Toko Teddy Deer (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Dolphin
Toko Teddy Dolphin (Commerson)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Eagle
Toko Teddy Eagle (Bald)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Elephant
Toko Teddy Elephant (Dusty)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Giraffe
Toko Teddy Giraffe (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Kingfisher
Toko Teddy Kingfisher (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Maned Wolf
Toko Teddy Maned Wolf (Autumn Leaves)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Raven
Toko Teddy Raven (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Red Panda
Toko Teddy Red Panda (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Sea Lion
Toko Teddy Sea Lion (Cream)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Wolf
Toko Teddy Wolf (Black)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.