Tokotna Register

Samara WF298

Dominant | Female | Yeti Mane | Miralta
Achieved on 12/04/2023
Reached on 11/25/2023
Tier 1 Bonded on 11/27/2023
Samara WF298

The Girl in the Well
Tamed by xLeilla
1 in 1300
Canarctos visio
Collared tundra with creeping black points and lacing
Tier 1 Bonded
180 cm
Base Color Info
Guide Swatch
Special bases that only appear on last line are not passable to offspring.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD:Unknown
Physical Traits
Non-Physical Traits
Aippaqs Fortune II: Heterozygous genes have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring. Rare mane types (Including one carrying parent) have an increased chance of passing on to offspring.
Hardy: Injuries received by this Tokota are reduced by 1 step of severity. This affects all injury types. Stacks with Tenacious/Leg Protectors.
Maujas Draw: Pups have an increased chance of inheriting a random mutation. (Chimerism, Albinism, Bloodmark, or any Hereditary mutations present in the breeding.)
Natural Competitor: Grants +10 bonus points to any PvP entry.
Primal Hunter: Tokota can hunt Raptors, Mammoth and Smilodon in Dangerous Game hunting.
Snow White II: Up to four companions allowed.
Timid Toes II: Pups from breedings in which Miraltas are possible, have a 10% higher chance of being Miralta built.
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Courage: Provides a +5 bonus to Racing and Teamwork Competitions.
Tenacious: Removes chance at Severe Injuries from all injury rolls. This affects all injury types. Stacks with Hardy/Porcupine/Porcupine Totem.
550 HP
Tracked: 510
Applied: 40
Tokens: 0
AoA (Excellent): 10
Bonded: 20
Toko Teddy: 10
Atlas: Provides a small chance to bring back rarer items during exploration.
Brass Knuckles: Small chance to inflict -5 on Opponents in a Brawl. Stacks with Pallas Cat.
Brawl Guards: +10 bonus towards any Faction Brawl entry.
Carabiner: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when caving.
Carrot Candle: Grants a small chance of finding Snowshoe Hares and Offering Tokens via exploration.
Cool Water Bottle: Provides a +5 bonus to All Competitions in Summer Season.
Crafted Caving Harness: Increases chance of finding rarer items while caving by 20%, reduces possibility of failing a caving trip to 1%. (Replaces Carbon Fiber Rope.)
Crafted Lantern: Increases chance of finding rarer items while exploring by 20%; reduces possibility of failing an expedition to 1%. (Replaces Bright Flashlight.)
Crafted Oxygen Tank: Increases chance of finding rarer items while diving by 20%, reduces possibility of failing a diving trip to 1%. (Replaces Diving Tank.)
Diving Light: Increases the probability of finding corals on a diving trip.
Firefly Lantern: Grants a small chance of finding Chickens and Offering Tokens via exploration.
Firework Candle: Grants a small chance of finding Storks and Offering Tokens via exploration.
Flippers: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when diving.
Golden Arrows: 15% increased chance to find rare pelts while Hunting. (Replaces Flint Arrows.)
Gourd Lantern: Grants a small chance of finding Black Cats and Offering Tokens via exploration.
Gym Bag: Chance to return a Brawl Bag when participating in a Faction Brawl Entry
Headlamp: Increases probability of finding gems while on a caving trip by 15%.
Heart Candle: Grants a small chance of finding Lovebirds and Offering Tokens via exploration.
Herding Hood: +25% chance to get an additional pelt from any Hunting trip.
Holiday Lantern: Grants a small chance of finding Reindeer and Offering Tokens via exploration.
Hunting Saddle: Adds a +2% bonus to all hunting rarity bonuses applied to the tokota.
Ice Pick: Increases the chance to bring back fossils during Caving. Stacks with other Caving items.
Iridescent Lure: 15% increased chance to find rare fish while fishing. (Replaces Shiny Lure.)
Jeweled Pickaxe: Increases probability of finding gems while on a Caving trip. Stacks with other Caving items.
Leg Protectors: Removes chance at Severe Injuries from all injury rolls. This affects all injury types. Stacks with Hardy/Porcupine/Porcupine Totem.
Light Jacket: Provides a +5 bonus to All Competitions in Spring Season.
Mouth Guard: Chance to protect from all negative effects from opponents in a Brawl.
Spirit Jar: Increases your chance of finding Soul Pool Water in fishing.
Sturdy Rod: Increases chance of collecting rarer fish by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a fishing trip to 1%. (replaces Basic Rod)
Underwater Metal Detector: 5% increased chance to find treasure while Diving.
Warm Blanket: Provides a +5 bonus to All Competitions in Winter Season.
Large Item x2: Mane
Small Item x3: Ears, Water drops
Unlocked Extra Companion Slot
Doubles all earned Faction Points and Brawl Points from this tokota's Continuous Events and Factions Brawl entries.
Black Cat
Black Cat
Grants overall luck. Increases the rarity of items found in all Activities.
Maned Wolf
Maned Wolf (Fox Red)
Grants a small chance to double Winner Surprise Packs won from PvP entries.
Removes failure chance and ensures at least two items are recovered in all Activities.
Aga Plushie
Aga Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Aippaq Plushie
Aippaq Plushie (Aippaq Plushie Blep)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Blue-Footed Booby
Blue-Footed Booby
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Borga Plushie
Borga Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Caracal (Melanistic)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Cardinal (Male Cardinal)
A beautiful red bird that wants to be friends with your toko!
Common Dark Spirit
Common Dark Spirit (Vengeful)
Provides +2 HP to the Lore Bonus if the Lore Figure is depicted in their full Import form. Does not take a companion slot.
Common Light Spirit
Common Light Spirit (Serene)
Provides +2 HP to the Lore Bonus if the Lore Figure is depicted in their full Import form. Does not take a companion slot.
Get Well Bear
Get Well Bear (Blue)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Gila Monster
Gila Monster (Coral)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Haunting Wisp
Haunting Wisp
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Hummingbird (Violet Sabrewing)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Lop Rabbit
Lop Rabbit (Albino)
A tiny, fluffy bunny. Just what I always wanted. My own little bunny rabbit. I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him....
Meelanik Plushie
Meelanik Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Mouse Pup
Mouse Pup
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Nagruk Plushie
Nagruk Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Nightingale (Black-Headed)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Pet Rock (Sheetrock)
Pet Rock (Sheetrock)
This rock does nothing but prove you have too much money to spend. This rock does not provide any HP when drawn.
Po-Tay-To (Boil Em)
This potato does nothing but serve as a reminder of the day potatoes took over Tokotna. This potato does not provide any HP when drawn.
Pumpkin Fiend
Pumpkin Fiend
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Sikrinerk Plushie
Sikrinerk Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Sivoganik Plushie
Sivoganik Plushie
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
Spinosaurus (Taniya-Tartok)
Does not take up a companion slot. No other bonus.
This little dino friend is a limited edition companion, made to thank you for helping support the Tokotas group as we grow!
Toko Teddy Bear
Toko Teddy Bear (Glacier)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Deer
Toko Teddy Deer (Piebald)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Dolphin
Toko Teddy Dolphin (Striped)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Eagle
Toko Teddy Eagle (Leucistic)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Elephant
Toko Teddy Elephant (Speckled)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Giraffe
Toko Teddy Giraffe (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Kingfisher
Toko Teddy Kingfisher (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Maned Wolf
Toko Teddy Maned Wolf (Autumn Leaves)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Raven
Toko Teddy Raven (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot.
Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies.
Toko Teddy Red Panda
Toko Teddy Red Panda (Albino)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Sea Lion
Toko Teddy Sea Lion (Cream)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Toko Teddy Wolf
Toko Teddy Wolf (Black)
Does not take up a companion slot. Grants equipped Tokota +5 HP. Does not stack with other Toko Teddies. If Tokota has full set of Toko Teddies, HP bonus is doubled.
Treets (Blue Razzberry)
This Treet does nothing but be a sugary sweet treat. This Treet does not provide any HP when drawn.
Adventure Statistics
Adventures Completed
Tier 1 Adventures:
Tier 2 Adventures:
Tier 3 Adventures:
Stat Base Bonuses Total
Brawn 1 +1 from PL
Agility 1
Endurance 1
Intellect 1
Spirit 1 +1 from PL
Charm 1
Unspent Stat Points: 3