Tokotna Register

Gold Bold and Brash 69826

Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 03/09/2024
Reached on 03/11/2024
Gold Bold and Brash 69826
Aurora Perks

Gold Bold and Brash
Canarctos venatori
Gold cross
Not Bonded
Yes - Breeding Slot Inquiries Welcome!
140 cm
Base Color Info
Tonga Tawny (D)
Special bases that only appear on last line are not passable to offspring.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Arturo 11071
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Jester 46626
------------------------------------------ SDS: Thane 44136
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Amias 68895
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Eve 68897
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD:Unknown
Physical Traits
Non-Physical Traits
Aippaqs Fortune II: Heterozygous genes have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring. Rare mane types (Including one carrying parent) have an increased chance of passing on to offspring.
Maujas Draw: Pups have an increased chance of inheriting a random mutation. (Chimerism, Albinism, Bloodmark, or any Hereditary mutations present in the breeding.)
Tribute to the Fates (UT): In every breeding, you can sacrifice one Small Sacrificial Bag to gain a smaller increase OR decrease of the chance to pass a mutation of your choice, or one Large Sacrificial Bag to gain larger increase OR decrease of the chance to pass a mutation of your choice.
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Courage: Provides a +5 bonus to Racing and Teamwork Competitions.
552 HP
Tracked: 192
Applied: 360
Tokens: 350
AoA (Excellent): 10
Carabiner: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when caving.
Carbon Fiber Rope: Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a caving expedition to 1%. (Replaces Rope)
Crafted Lantern: Increases chance of finding rarer items while exploring by 20%; reduces possibility of failing an expedition to 1%. (Replaces Bright Flashlight.)
Flint Arrows: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%.
Flippers: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when diving.
Oxygen Tank: Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a diving expedition to 1%. (Replaces Snorkel)
Shiny Lure: 10% increased chance to find rare fish while fishing.
Sturdy Bow: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a hunt to 1%. (can be doubled with Flint Arrows, replaces Basic Bow)
Sturdy Rod: Increases chance of collecting rarer fish by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a fishing trip to 1%. (replaces Basic Rod)
Borgas Stone x1: Oasis Cavern
Dolphin (Common)
Tokota may compete and place in an Activity or Standard class Continuous Event up to three times a month.
Provides a large increase to chance to pass down a hereditary trait in Breeding.
Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare (Spring)
25% chance to roll an extra puppy in the litter (on top of the normal roll).