Tokotna Register

Affogato 70444

Dominant | Female | Caribou Mane | Makhata
Achieved on 04/09/2024
Reached on 04/26/2024
Affogato 70444
Aurora Perks

Canarctos ensurio
Marked collared cream black piebald merle with black points, accents, blanket, flecking, pangare and saddle
Not Bonded
Yes - No Breeding Slot Inquiries!
160 cm
Base Color Info
Guide Swatch
Special bases that only appear on last line are not passable to offspring.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Mikhail 69761
------------------------------------------ SDS: Thane 44136
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Bullkit 62718
----------------- DS: Rotgut Whiskey 64420
------------------------------------------ DSD: Tea Biscuit 62719
Dam: Bug Juice 66740
------------------------------------------ DDS: Lucifer 61785
----------------- DD: Beelzebub 65279
------------------------------------------ DDD:Satanas 61824
Physical Traits
Roman Nose
Small Ears
Talon Claws
Non-Physical Traits
Aippaqs Fortune II: Heterozygous genes have a +10% chance of passing on to offspring. Rare mane types (Including one carrying parent) have an increased chance of passing on to offspring.
Ferocious Claws II: Tier Two: Unlocked once Dominance is reached.
Pups from breedings in which Makhata are possible, have a 10% higher chance of being Makhata built.
Friendly Foe: Grants +15 bonus points to a PvP Entry when competing against a Tribemate.
Maujas Draw: Pups have an increased chance of inheriting a random mutation. (Chimerism, Albinism, Bloodmark, or any Hereditary mutations present in the breeding.)
Natural Competitor: Grants +10 bonus points to any PvP entry.
Passionate II: Tokota is able to be bred 2 times over the standard monthly limit.
Patience: 25% chance to retrieve up to two extra fish while fishing.
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Courage: Provides a +5 bonus to Racing and Teamwork Competitions.
Aippaq's Inheritance - 450 HP for Alpha
285 HP
Tracked: 0
Applied: 285
Tokens: 250
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Tribal Dominance: 10
Aga Sprite: 10
Celestial Paint x1: A special handpaint to celebrate a Tokota completing their Rites of Dominance.
Large Item x2: Neck and Belly
Small Item x2: Wither fluff, Ears
Raven (Umber)
Removes the chance to find trash items while Exploring. Common items will be found in the place of trash. Does not affect addendum rolls.
Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare (Spring)
25% chance to roll an extra puppy in the litter (on top of the normal roll).