Tokotna Register

Aenwyn 66283

Dominant | Female | Gala Long Mane | Akota
Achieved on 08/09/2023
Reached on 08/12/2023
Aenwyn 66283

Aenwyn 66283's Offspring
Kilyn 67162 - Dominant
Harley harley 67341 - Dominant
please stick your fingers between the bars of my enclosure, i promise i wont bite them this time 70098 - Dominant
Venali 66962 - Average
Daisuke 66964 - Average
Saul 67247 - Average
Rohesia 67260 - Average
Basalt 67366 - Average
The word I'm searching for - I can't say, because there's Tokota admins present 67402 - Average
Yrmass 67481 - Average
Ulysses 67581 - Average
How about the 2nd of Never to the 15th of Ain't Gonna Happen? 68397 - Average
Neapolitan 69763 - Average
Domino 70532 - Average