Tokotna Register

Keeper of the Fold 62860

Dominant | Male | Wrinkle Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 01/30/2023
Reached on 02/27/2023
Keeper of the Fold 62860

Slot Perms are not tracked in the Slots Used Total, the above total only reflects slots that have been offically used. The Permissions List below is not officially tracked and is updated exclusively by the owner.
Slot Breakdown
Available: 17
Used: 18
Total: 35
Average: 15
Dominant: 20
Permissions List
Perm User Type Used Litter
Slot #34080SalenceeFullNo
Slot #34079SalenceeFullNo
Slot #34078SalenceeFullNo
Slot #34077SalenceeFullNo
Slot #29358CanisAceFullYes
Slot #29357CanisAceFullYes
Slot #28321MonophobiiaxSplit - KirasDarkLightYes
Slot #28320MonophobiiaxSplit - KirasDarkLightYes
Slot #28319MonophobiiaxSplit - KirasDarkLightYes
Slot #27098KeartricityFullYes
Slot #27097KeartricityFullYes
Slot #27096KeartricityFullYes
Slot #26414CosmicRealityFullYes
Slot #26413CosmicRealityFullYes
Slot #25946SpraklingPurpleCatFullNo
Slot #25945SpraklingPurpleCatFullYes
Slot #25941sirenseFullYes
Slot #25940sirenseFullNo
Slot #25633SapphireSquireFullYes
Slot #25628CanisAceFullYes
Slot #25627CanisAceFullYes
Slot #25626CanisAceFullYes
Slot #25625KeartricityFullNo
Slot #25624KeartricityFullYes
Slot #25623KeartricityFullYes