Every Time is Toko Time!

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Gisinaw Naakshig




Name: Gisinaw Naakshig (Meaning is Cold Night)
Nickname: Naak, Sinaw
Commonly called: Ge
Gender: Male
Age: Late 20s (Around 27-28)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
Nationality: Native American; Ojibwe/Chippewa
Physique: Healthy build, more upper body strength than lower. Lean, broad shoulders
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Natural Heterochromia; Dark brown mainly with some flecks of blue
Personality: Patient, Quiet, Serious (with an odd sense of humor), Stubborn, Knowledgeable
Occupation: Fur trader, hunter, and tracker. If paid the right price, he is willing to lead people to specific locations.
Voice: When he does talk, he sounds like this: x
Quirks: He is a voluntary mute and will only speak to those who are closest to him and his tokotas.
He knows Sign language as well Ojibwe, English, and French.
While he is wandering around the lands, he keeps an accurate journal of all his adventures so he can share them with his sisters.

Found on him-
Items: Tomahawk, Several knives, Some empty journals, Pens, Hairties
Clothing: Depends on the season, but he always has a tan undershirt and blue jeans

Being the eldest of three children, he had a lot of responsiblity put on his shoulders. He helped with his parent's tokotas as well as his grandparents tokotas. He spent a good majority of his time in the dens of his family's tokotas. It was the only place he would find peace from his loud younger sisters. Unfortuately, during one brutal winter, his youngest sister grew sick. His parents left with her and his grandparents moved into to take care of himself and his other sister. His parents were gone for a long time, seeing as his youngest sister was still little more than a infant. Naak grew quiet with worry about what might befall his sister. A year went by before his parents sent word that they would be returning with the snow had melted. His sister and himself were estatic. They worked extra hard to work on the dens and around the house to keep things clean. Although, when they did return, the news wasn't all that exciting. The sickness that had come upon his youngest sister took away her voice. Naak was devastated. He spent more time in the dens, until his grandfather spoke with him. Naak asked why someone so young could become so damaged so quickly, but his grandfather stopped those thoughts. He explained that sometimes the gods have plans and everything happens for a reason. And even though, her voice would always be silent, it did not mean that she was damaged. Naak's grandfather's words helped fuel him to become his sisters guardian.
As Naak grew older, his found himself speaking less and less vocally, but talking through sign. His whole family learned how to speak sign so they could talk with the youngest girl. Naak spoke when his parents and middle sister when they talked with him, but went left alone, he would stay silent. More years passed and his grandparents death came, within their will, they left their home in the mountains to Naak for him to start his own life and his own pack. Naak happily moved away, but make his youngest sister a promise that he would write her often. When he moved to his grandparents house, he slowly began to gather young tokotas and helped those injured that limped near his home.
Naak tends to spend the spring, summer, and early fall seasons being nomadic and wandering the land with his pack. During later fall and winter, he returns home and if the weather grows too back, he returns to his family home within a warmer valley. When he wanders near people, they say that he's a cold, distant man who will never give anyone the time of day. But in reality, he is a kind man who cares deeply for tokotas and for his friends and family.

Gisinaw Naakshig's Tokotas
Nimaamaa 2148 - Pack Tokota
Bawshkinaway 18663 - Pack Tokota
Biboon-Aki 18664 - Pack Tokota
Manidookaazo 25954 - Pack Tokota
Zoogipon Nishkiinzhig 19377 - Pack Tokota
Mukaday-Wiisagad 19766 - Pack Tokota
Niiskaadad 20673 - Pack Tokota
Waasezi 13460 - Pack Tokota
Anangoog 20614 - Pack Tokota
Zegaanakwad 10739 - Pack Tokota
Oshkiniigii 3394 - Pack Tokota
Giinaabide 32486 - Pack Tokota
Nichiiwad 14862 - Pack Tokota
Eggnog 37428 - Pack Tokota
Agidasin 19505 - Pack Tokota
Ininaatig 29721 - Pack Tokota
Ziinzibaakwadoons 10356 - Pack Tokota
Ishpiming 22141 - Pack Tokota
Wabun Ahnung 19370 - Pack Tokota
Babaamaashi 34737 - Pack Tokota
Bapeewug WM55 - Pack Tokota
Wiimbaatig 16709 - Pack Tokota
Odoodemindiwag 34673 - Pack Tokota
Papashkwag 20916 - Pack Tokota
Miskwaa Aanakwad 19371 - Pack Tokota
Babaa-ayaa 30252 - Wild Tokota
Niibaabatoo 34890 - Wild Tokota
Gizhiikaa 27480 - Wild Tokota
Gotaaji-Bezhig 41359 - Pack Tokota
Nishki 37567 - Pack Tokota
Zegi'iwe 43672 - Pack Tokota
Wiishkobizi 41581 - Pack Tokota
Agwamo 27283 - Pack Tokota
Jiibay WM163 - Pack Tokota
Pane 36119 - Pack Tokota
Giizis 36321 - Pack Tokota
Nookizigwaa 41736 - Pack Tokota
Zhakipon 36587 - Pack Tokota
Okawitoon 33371 - Pack Tokota
Shiimey 36249 - Pack Tokota
Aloth 43526 - Pack Tokota
Agawaateshin 47609 - Pack Tokota
Giimikan 39260 - Pack Tokota
Jiigashkosiw 45904 - Pack Tokota
Ojiibik 39426 - Pack Tokota
Bedowe 48553 - Pack Tokota
Waazh 46768 - Pack Tokota
Ina'am 41169 - Pack Tokota
Onwaachigewin 44164 - Pack Tokota
Odish WF207 - Pack Tokota
Ezhishin 40241 - Pack Tokota
Aanimi 50399 - Pack Tokota
Wiimbaa 39966 - Pack Tokota
Dibaadodan 35562 - Pack Tokota
Apiitenimo 9001 - Pack Tokota
Bizaan 40446 - Pack Tokota
Gooniwi 38950 - Pack Tokota
Andokawe' 39001 - Pack Tokota
Wiigob 39128 - Pack Tokota
Aanimendam 46752 - Pack Tokota
Bagwaji 47545 - Pack Tokota
Ojichaago 50905 - Pack Tokota
Awibaa 29309 - Pack Tokota
Bingwi 34736 - Pack Tokota
Zhooshkwega' 39335 - Pack Tokota
Dooskaabi 40533 - Pack Tokota
Ojiishizi 42578 - Pack Tokota
Onaabanad 43593 - Pack Tokota
Wiisagine 50407 - Pack Tokota
Zaagi' 51305 - Pack Tokota
Minode'e WF83 - Pack Tokota
Gidochige 44933 - Pack Tokota
Aandeg 40773 - Pack Tokota
Biigizawakwad 43940 - Pack Tokota
Inaakon 53003 - Pack Tokota
Okosimaan 52941 - Pack Tokota
Boonim 38513 - Pack Tokota
Inigaa 49617 - Pack Tokota
Bimaagone 41170 - Pack Tokota
Wiisagan 43480 - Pack Tokota
Dani 44149 - Pack Tokota
Nibi 35018 - Pack Tokota
Waawaatesi 53518 - Pack Tokota
Waawaate 43598 - Pack Tokota
Megwayaak WF222 - Pack Tokota
Dibiki 17648 - Pack Tokota
Oginiiwaatig 51843 - Pack Tokota
Beshwaji' 50343 - Pack Tokota
Zasakwaa 43109 - Pack Tokota
Ogichidaa 52827 - Pack Tokota
Mayagitaagozi 38667 - Pack Tokota
Oniijaaniw 23098 - Pack Tokota
Ayekozi 31126 - Pack Tokota
Miigwan 19333 - Pack Tokota
Bakwene 22583 - Pack Tokota
Giimoodad 55442 - Pack Tokota
Wanisin 55443 - Pack Tokota
Onzaamigidaazo 55444 - Pack Tokota
Mookibii 46730 - Pack Tokota
Ma'iingan WM229 - Pack Tokota
Awan 4883 - Pack Tokota
Naagotoon 10825 - Pack Tokota
Ozaawaa 47777 - Pack Tokota
Makadewaagamin 49755 - Pack Tokota
Dekaag 47505 - Pack Tokota
Zaka'an 43061 - Pack Tokota
Apibii'ige 33655 - Pack Tokota
Mashkawizidewaji 41622 - Pack Tokota
Azhashki 42011 - Pack Tokota
Mishiimin 50541 - Pack Tokota
Waabinewizi 38717 - Pack Tokota
Gaagaagi 43162 - Pack Tokota
Bimide 45176 - Pack Tokota
Anangokaa 49687 - Pack Tokota
Nibwaakaa 32317 - Pack Tokota
Jiikendam 43570 - Pack Tokota
Gaazo 44490 - Pack Tokota
Wiindigoo 44074 - Pack Tokota
Nazhikewizi 47140 - Pack Tokota
Giiwose 39931 - Pack Tokota
Gijichaag 40038 - Pack Tokota
Miskobag 53192 - Pack Tokota
Waabishki'o 57042 - Pack Tokota
Bigiike 57041 - Pack Tokota
Manijoosh 51084 - Pack Tokota
Baasiminaan 53697 - Pack Tokota
Inde' 56810 - Pack Tokota
Waazakone 45120 - Pack Tokota
Nookijiizi 57093 - Pack Tokota
Waabigan 57711 - Pack Tokota
Waasizo 59198 - Pack Tokota
Aabitawaabikizi 58712 - Pack Tokota
Ondamendam 57521 - Pack Tokota
Aasaakamig 55884 - Pack Tokota
Giigidoowinini 59803 - Pack Tokota
Waabanda' 55829 - Pack Tokota
Makadewaanakwad 40975 - Pack Tokota
Akik 55105 - Pack Tokota
Dwaa'ibii 60279 - Pack Tokota
Niimi 59362 - Pack Tokota
Miskwaande 60412 - Pack Tokota
Zhizhoobii'igan 59162 - Pack Tokota
Ozhaawashkwaagamin 55883 - Pack Tokota
Mizhakwad 35463 - Pack Tokota
Beshaa 50242 - Pack Tokota
Manashkikiwe 48417 - Pack Tokota
Snowdrift 44678 - Pack Tokota
Makoons 43561 - Pack Tokota
Adis 55195 - Pack Tokota
Ozaawaanzan 61882 - Pack Tokota
Baashkinede 61883 - Pack Tokota
Debizi 61933 - Pack Tokota
Menwaagamig 58333 - Pack Tokota
Ookomisan 51960 - Pack Tokota
Bangan 62173 - Pack Tokota
Ombaabate 62300 - Pack Tokota
Mayagizi 62455 - Pack Tokota
Mishibizhii 61858 - Pack Tokota
Anaamaagon 60773 - Pack Tokota
Inendaagozi 62020 - Pack Tokota
Agidaakiiwebatoo 61326 - Pack Tokota
Bebaamaadizid 65128 - Pack Tokota
Minawaanigo' 59936 - Pack Tokota
Mazinaateshinowin 61560 - Pack Tokota
Mitaawangaa 59269 - Pack Tokota
Gizhaadan 54954 - Pack Tokota
Ashkibag 64126 - Pack Tokota
Roxana 68912 - Pack Tokota
Animishimo 50350 - Pack Tokota
Oginiiwaande 64926 - Pack Tokota
Makwa 55484 - Pack Tokota
Bangate 45407 - Pack Tokota
Waangawizi 51469 - Pack Tokota
Dakobijigaazo 48259 - Pack Tokota
Aamoo 55498 - Pack Tokota
Gizhaadige 43278 - Pack Tokota
Alpha Pack - Main pack on the ranch
Gazing Pack - Secondary pack on ranch
Laughing Pack - Secondary pack on ranch
DnD Pack - Secondary pack on ranch
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