Every Time is Toko Time!

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Laughing Pack



The family unit with Bapeewug as the head. He still follows the alpha pair (Nimaamaa and Manidookazoo) on the ranch.

Laughing Pack's Tokotas
Bapeewug WM55 - Considered the father figure
Wiimbaatig 16709 - Bap's adopted daughter
Odoodemindiwag 34673 - Bap's sister
Papashkwag 20916 - Bap's adopted daughter
Miskwaa Aanakwad 19371 - Bap's adopted daughter
Agwamo 27283 - Scout
Gotaaji-Bezhig 41359 - Nishki's Companion
Nishki 37567 - Scout
Zegi'iwe 43672 - Scout
Jiibay WM163 - Scout/Wild
Ojiibik 39426 - Healer/Wild
Ezhishin 40241 - Scout
Aanimi 50399 - Scout
Dibaadodan 35562 - Watcher
Wiimbaa 39966 - Defense
Minode'e WF83 - Bap's Mom, Pack Grandma
Zhooshkwega' 39335 - Defense
Inigaa 49617 - Under Surveillence
Waawaatesi 53518 - Bap's Daughter
Waawaate 43598 - Scout
Dibiki 17648 - Guard
Onzaamigidaazo 55444 - Under Surveillence
Azhashki 42011 - Scout
Giiwose 39931 - Tracker
Ondamendam 57521 - Rehabilitation
Waabanda' 55829 - Scout
Snowdrift 44678 - Pup Watcher
Makoons 43561 - Guard
Ombaabate 62300 - Bap's Adopted Daughter
Gisinaw Naakshig - Secondary pack on ranch
Ge's Ranch - Pack Home
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