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Bringer of Storms
Decay, Survival, Disasters, Winter
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The name of spring had barely been learned when winter’s howl took on the calling of Borga. He emerged from the storms bringing walls of ice and snow with him. Whenever he’s awake he causes avalanches, frigid frosts, and icy death to anyone unlucky enough to be in his path. Then Borga goes back to sleep when the weather warms up.

As Aga did her job well, creating warmth in Tokotna, Aippaq had to balance her light by giving Borga his task. He must destroy as much as she must grow. Borga is not evil in the manner that most assume. He’s just uncaring about the creatures caught in his storms. They were unlucky and unprepared to handle the harsh reality of winter. Tokotas make meat sacrifices in hopes of keeping Borga well-fed and sleeping most of the time.

Borga is fascinated with competitions, especially anything that promotes survival of the fittest. On days he’s too lazy to summon a storm, he can be seen watching races or brawls. His attention comes with a cost, as flash frosts are expected when Borga is amused. Usually large braziers of fire are lit around competition grounds to keep him away.

Deity Lore by sercreepz and demonicrose
Deity Art by sercreepz
Original concept by sercreepz