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Crystal Woods

As they are closer to the glacier within Sikatou’s huge cavern, the Crystal Woods are cool. The contrast between the hot, humid air of the mushroom forest and cool air from the glacier means the area has regular winds blowing from glacier to mushroom forest, and even sometimes rain showers from small clouds within the cave itself.
The forest is composed mostly of weeping willows, but unlike those outside of Sikatou’s caverns, these have leaves in multiple different colors and shades - some blue, some purple, with only the occasional one still sporting the grey-green which is common outside of the cavern. Usually each tree will be the same colour, but there is the odd exception that will have leaves in multiple different colors or shades.

Melted run-off from the glacier flows through the woods in small streams, across glittering stones worn smooth by the passage of water. Instead of the usual reeds, crystal formations can be found at the edges of the streams.
  • The Shimmering Water Bearer - This landmark sits slightly up north in the forest in a cradle of stone and jagged crystals piercing through the earth along the growing violet and midnight blue willow trees. A lavastream that goes around the cooling pool of water and trees provides a glow for growing crystalline shards to reflect ambient light and slight warmth compared to the ice flow above. Streams connect at the center of this cradle, creating a large, clear pool for all to drink from and enjoy. Those who make it this far up often settle to rest and relax, enjoying the magical feeling of the lake as well as the strange stone formation that strangely resembles a human carrying a large vase of water which a small waterfall pours out of in a never-ending stream.

  • The Crystallys - A sturdy crystal formation roughly the size and shape of a small swimming pool sits deep in the far side of the forest. It is filled with spring water that wells up through the ground and is held soundly by the shimmering purple crystal. The water is always sweet like honey due to the crystals interacting with the water. The Crystallys is believed to have healing power for wounds of the soul, such as sadness and longing.

  • Artemis’ Paradise - Artemis’ Paradise is a small section also referred to as the Heart of the Woods. You could travel days through the woods without finding it, and rumors have begun to spread that the woods are sentient and will only reveal it’s heart to those it deems pure of intention. Many adventurers and researchers have tried, it seems the best method is to befriend the local wildlife and they will lead you to its secrets. This has been met with varying levels of success. Artemis’ Paradise, the Heart itself, is known to be the most beautiful and tranquil section of the woods where the unicorns gather and give birth to their young. It is also said to be a place of worship, the few adventurers that have made their way to its depths often report that there is a strong energy in the air and it feels almost as if the spirits whisper through it.

  • Unicorn Trail - Unicorn Trail is a winding scenic route that has become extremely popular for riding thanks to the smooth glowing gems embedded in the earth that guide those who may be walking it. It leads from the Crystallys, to the Shimmering Water Bearer, all the way to Actaeon’s tree. It's common to spot unicorns watching those on this trail from the trees, but rare to receive an interaction as they dart away the moment a step is made off of the trail.

  • Actaeon’s Tree - A large willow tree with a partially hollowed trunk that is large enough for an Akota to take cover in. This is thought to be the home of the human who was once known as the Keeper of the Crystal Woods, Actaeon. It’s easy to see from any tree top or open canopy within the woods and is commonly used as a landmark on maps. The tree is still alive and thriving despite the condition of its trunk and various colorful gemstones grow in its crevices like moss.
  • The Tears of the Keeper - There is a small stream that frames the furthest boundary line of Artemis’ Paradise, the Heart of the Woods, referred to as the Tears of the Keeper. The water in this area seems to swim with beautiful colors from the shimmering crystals along its edges and is numbingly cold to the touch. Legend has it that the stream was created from the constant weeping of the guardian Artemis trusted the woods to for protection.

  • Calling Cove - Take a wrong turn when entering the Crystal Woods and you’ll stumble upon a small cove. Disconnected from all other water sources, its strange bright blue water has very odd and almost addictive properties. Even the glow from the surface is enticing. It is nearly always covered by a thick layer of fog which makes it difficult to see past one’s outstretched hand. It is said that those who approach to try and take a sip out of the cove may never make it back.
  • Unicorns - see their dedicated page here.

  • Basidian bat - see its entry in the Mushroom Forest

  • Pellucid Toad - Despite the colder temperature these strange toads can be found in nearly any body of water in the Crystal Woods. They are often shades of white or light blues and have raised darker spots on their back that are rough to the touch. They blend into the shimmering water almost perfectly thanks to their translucent limbs. They’ll eat any insect they can get in their mouths.

    It’s easy to locate these toads' general location thanks to their constant croaking, often helping travelers find water sources as long as they just follow the sound of their singing. If one were to grab a Pellucid Toad they shouldn't put their hands near their mouth until after they’ve washed them. The glands on these amphibians secrete an acidic sweat that will make someone’s tongue and lips tingle for days.

  • Titan Tapetoe - Titan Tapetoes are large with thick scales that help protect them when climbing over the rough rocks and crystals in their territory. Their scales are iridescent and range from shades of white all the way to dark blues and purples. They are most often found in fallen or decaying willows and feed off of invertebrates like snails, spiders, and crickets.

    While rather skittish they are known to have a strong bite force and often refuse to let go until they feel the threat level has gone down. Breaking skin is uncommon, but the force of their bite can cause circulation issues while they are latched on and deep bruising once they let go.

  • Location inspiration from contributions by CosmicReality, Dorkestdoodles, LunaKirran, Redetsky, Urocyongrey, Viscella and the Tokotas Admin Team
    Location art by USERNAME