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Dennik Dunes

Blistering Heat and frigid nights. There has never been any recorded rainfall in the region. Incredibly windy.
Surrounded by rocky red spires on almost all its sides, the Dennik Dunes make a sort of sandy ocean. Strong winds push and pull at the sand 'waves' so the dunes never look the same on any given day. The ever-changing landscape makes the dunes a nightmare to navigate so most people steer clear or hire guides that specialize in navigating the wastes.
  • Pilgrim's Haven - Somewhere in the middle of the Dennik Dunes, rising above the sand, is a large rocky outcropping. A few hardy locals call this place home, surviving solely off an incredibly deep well that taps into the fresh groundwater far below. Seeing as Pilgrim's Haven has the only source of water for miles around, it serves as a sort of resting spot for travelers going through the area.
  • Dennik Ruins - Sometimes the shifting sands will unearth buried ruins. Adventurers often search these ruins for ancient artifacts and treasures. These expeditions are incredibly dangerous due to the ever-present threat of the dunes shifting back over the ruins and re-burying the entrance, trapping any souls inside. Some of the Dennik Ruins dot the outer edge of the dunes. The ruins there extended down into a massive winding cave system.
  • Howling Dunes - A splash of life in the otherwise barren dunes, the Howling Dunes are sheltered by Red Rock Ridge, which provides some shelter to small animals. Several springs can be found in this area, home to numerous insects and fish, and sustaining the birds and small animals which live in the area. It is the only other welcoming area among the dunes, after Pilgrim's Haven, if travelers can find it. The howling of the wind through Red Rock Ridge gives this area of the Dunes its name.
  • Most people that find themselves at the Dennik Dunes go there to delve into the various Dennik Ruins to explore their caves. While most people do get turned around and lost in the ruins and caves, many reports seeing benevolent spirits that would guide them back to safety.
  • The Howling Dunes are patrolled by Siroq, whose howl echoes the wind blowing through Red Rock Ridge.

Original location inspiration by Mizie-Wolf and Redetsky
Original location inspiration by depictured