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Eliya Valapos

Quick Facts:
Name: Eliya Valapos
Region: Maquraq
Career: Field Botanist
Tokota: Malie 12584
Quote: "I've got an herb for that"
Appearance: Mid forties with a wiry strong build. Dressed for treks in the Jungle she wears long pants tucked into sturdy boots and a beige shirt. She wears a necklace made from a thinly braided and beaded leather band with a rough shaped gemstone that has a small symbol carved into one side. Carries two folding knives and a bowie knife. Deep scar on her shoulder.
Personality: She is friendly and open, but does not suffer foolish people well at all. She will invite anyone willing to hear about jungle plant life in for a cup of strong herbal tea and flat sweet breads she bakes in her inground clay oven.
Background: Born in Alurik, her parents made the journey to Maquraq when she was three when their town was destroyed by a lava flow. She was raised on the edge of the jungle and spent her youth exploring. She developed a love of plants and was encouraged by her parents to go into botany. She found Malie as an abandoned pup on one of her first official assignments to survey an uncharted ravine.
Rumors & Gossip:
  • Regarding her necklace, some people believe she found a cache of valuable treasure and gems and is keeping it secret. Others believe she found a hidden peoples in the jungle no one has ever met and they gifted her the necklace. She does nothing to dispel either of these notions, and occasionally encourages more outlandish ones.
  • She may have studied under a medicine woman at some point in her work, no one is sure, but she seems very sure of herself when it comes to natural herbal medicines.
  • Her small kitchen has a shelf of about 70 clay pots full of her own special blends of herbs she's collected from the jungle.
Original NPC inspiration by Dendariis