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Everknight Manor

Surprisingly cold in the early mornings and evenings with mist and fog, fairly warm during the day
The Everknight property is a sprawling section of forest near the Elyn Moors; due to the close proximity the manor has been abandoned for years, if anyone ever lived there at all. As a result the entire place has a general feeling of otherworldliness.
  • Everknight House - The manor itself is quite large and tall, with several points of the roof sticking up with the tallest of trees like guard towers on a castle. Over the years nature has taken the place over with plants invading nearly every room, moss spreading across any surface it can find. Just about all of the windows are broken, but it could be a good place to take shelter in a pinch - if anyone is brave enough to do so. The Everknight crest of a crescent moon and stars can be seen all over the house as well as decorating the grounds, along with the scattered wolf motif.
  • Crystal Cave - No one knows who discovered the entrance to the caves in the cellar of Everknight House, but for the brave it can be an amazing spot to try out one's caving skills. The caves are a series of large tunnels that connect wide open rooms. The walls and ceilings are covered in crystals and gems varying in size and color. Many of the larger caverns have small holes that go all the way to the surface, allowing light in and rainwater to collect in the bottom.
  • Spider Gates Cemetery -An old cemetery lies half forgotten on the edge of the estate. The wrought iron gates feature a spider and web motif. A shrine to dark deities is rumored to be hidden in one of the tombs.
Everknight Manor was built by a mysterious explorer, Thadius Everknight. It is said he was an optimistic man and was planning to fill the house and grounds with a large family in the future, but he disappeared before that dream could become a reality.
There is some question if Thadius happened to build the house on top of the caves, or if it was done on purpose. Perhaps he needed a secure enclosed place to hang out on the full moon.

Original location inspiration by sapphiresquire & secretrealm

Location art by FantasyToArtt