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Region: Fosbir
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Tribe Deity (Kangarescue Ranch)
Portfolio: Guidance, protection, savior of those who cannot speak
Forms: A large white dingo with a crown of stars, ghostly dingo, white crow and a man's ghost
Lore: It was said that the ghostly dingo was not always a dingo. Indeko was given his form as a gift from the spirits, a way to keep his legacy and dream alive. Many moons ago Indeko was nothing more than a man with a dream. A dream to give a voice to wildlife who could not speak for themselves. He was a martyr, a visionary and a father. Indeko spent many years of his life building a sanctuary for wildlife, a rehabilitation centre for the broken and the damned; a home for those who had none.

Many rallied beside him, praising his work and offering their services. Many wished to see him succeeded but many also wanted to watch him fail. He raised his daughter to follow in his footsteps, teaching her the ways of the land and animals; showing her their secrets. It was a dark and eerie night when Indeko became one with the dingo. It was on a mission that went horribly wrong. Poacher's had set a trap and he had walked right into it.

Indeko does not remember much of his past as a man or of the night that turned him into Indeko; all he remembers are the stars and moon. They guided him, willed him to hold on; so he did. Once his body had finally had enough and the sweet lull of sleep won him over, he awoke the next night with four paws and a coat of white. The memories that stayed with him upon waking urged him forward, back towards what was once his home. He was greeted with a sight of grieving men and women, leaving gifts beneath hanging lights and sending prayers to the stars above. One in particular caught his eye, a young woman with hair as dark as the sky above them.

He remembered her.

So now Indeko patrols the barren lands, protecting wildlife and humans with pure hearts. He leads the lost home and watches over the weak. Those who mean harm to innocent creatures feel his wrath and few have lived to tell the tale.

Deity art by Tinadactyl