Tokotna Register
Tokotna has just undergone a major update! If you run into a bug or a 500 Error please report this in our Discord, so we may fix it promptly!


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Outdoor Enthusiast I
Completing X fishing collaboration submissions with a tribemate or completing X fishing submissions featuring two tokotas owned by a tribemate (Tokotas can be owned by the same tribemate and must be linked on the submission). You may use any combination of these two methods to complete this achievement.
Link directly to uploaded deviations.
Birds of a Feather and Merchant
Tribe fishing unlocked. Higher chance of rare fish and more fish available than regular fishing.

5-25 Members (X = 15)
26-75 Members (X = 55)
76-150 Members (X = 120)
151-250 Members or More (X = 210)