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Decay, Decomposition, Change
  • Shown
  • Vulture with piebald markings - often a skull shape on its back
  • Similar form with more of their body overtaken with black sludge
Without death, we would not be alive.

Siqarn and all its domains exist between the living and the dead. It is the deity of decay, decomposition, and metamorphosis. It is said to visit creatures upon death, and revels in the transformation of living flesh back into nourishment for the earth. Though it resides in and around death, it abhors murder, necromancy, and all other means by which arrogant mortals seek to defy the cycles of nature.

Despite its reputation, Siqarn harbors no ill will toward the living. All malevolence is merely prescribed upon it by mortals' fear of death. Siqarn does not hold this against the mortals--after all, fear is as natural a part of life as the drastic changes that cause it.

Original deity inspiration by Phenaroo and Blaguard
Deity art by Phenaroo