Tokotna Register


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Spirit of Madness
Fear, Nightmares, Monsters, Fall
  • Scarred pale sphinx Tokotas, missing their eyes
  • A scarecrow that’s always moving in your peripheral vision
  • The mad good Doctor Gaskin
The harvest used to go by a different name, but it's been lost to time. A few selfish creatures who never wanted summer to end tricked the deity of fall into becoming trapped in Anirniit Valley. As time passed their body twisted, their skin melted and boils formed into eyes along their back. They became disfigured and driven to sink their long fangs into one thing alone, the mind. Finally, decades later Sivoganik emerged as a crazed and twisted shadow.

Having been tasked with bringing fall to Tokotna, Sivoganik still does this job by scaring the leaves off the trees. But a madness drives them at their core, they feed on other’s fear and nightmares. Don’t go alone at night during fall or Sivoganik will find you becomes a normal warning. When well-sated Sivoganik only plays tricks or gives a quick fright to passerby, but if you run into the deity when they are hungry then they’ll feast on your sanity instead.

Tokoween started as a tradition to appease the Spirit of Madness. Everyone sacrifices their fears to the dark spirit in hopes of settling them down for the rest of the year. Most would rather deal with the uncaring Borga than spend more months with Sivoganik.

Deity Lore by Tinadactyl and Demonicrose
Deity Art by Tinadactyl
Original concept by Tinadactyl