Tokotna Register


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Region: - Tokotna
Alignment: - Light
Rank: Tribe Deity (Atka Tribe)
Portfolio: - Protector of travelers and keeper of caves
Forms: - Shown
Lore: - Tekda is a very kind and benevolent deity who provides safe passage to those who wander through her caves. Her caves are decorated with beautiful glowing gems that provide light in what would be nothing but pitch blackness. These gems lose their magical glow once you remove them as they have lost their special connection to Tekda. Her claws are pure diamond and are used to clear and tunnel out new paths. In her caves, sacred shrines have been set up to honor all deities across Tokotna. She always has a stash of items nearby her so that if you are lucky enough to encounter her in your travels, you will be provided with everything you need to continue on your journey in the best of health.

Deity art by Tinadactyl
Original Deity Design by Vysal and allisondellue