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Tokotober Quest Challenge

Before You Begin | Introduction | Challenge |FAQs |

Before You Begin

Akin to Inktober challenges, Tokotober is a challenge to complete 31 pieces of art or literature in any area of the game. Unlike Inktober, Tokotober may be completed at your leisure.
  • The first step you need to do to gain access to a Festive Quest Challenge is to turn in the Introduction quest.
  • All pieces must have been submitted to DA after October 1, 2023.
  • This may only be completed once per player.
  • Quester, Quest Companions, and Festive Totems all apply to the rewards on this page. HOWEVER, the quester must be present in the all the pieces to receive the quester rewards. It doesn't need to be actively partaking. Tagalongs are fine.

This quest festive challenge IS NOT eligible for the Quest HP bonus.



“NO,Dad! We don’t wanna be Snackrificed! We’ll be good pups I promise!” You hear a nearby puppy wail while passing a nearby dwelling.

“It’s ‘sacrifice’ and that’s not what I meant. Gaskin needs help with something extra this year and it’s family friendly!” Your toko thinks they hear the male toko mutter “mostly” under his breath.

Just then, the male toko and two pups exit the dwelling. The pups look considerably nervous as they follow their Father. You think that’s justified. Gaskin is widely known for…experiments. However, it is earlier than normal for Gaskin to be…collecting. Your toko decides to follow the small family to see what’s going on.

As you arrive at the Graveyard, you expect to see the “CLOSED” sign up that’s normally present for most of the year. However, there’s a sign that reads “Help wanted. Inquire inside.” A strong gust of wind rushes past you, causing the gate to open with a scream like nails on a chalkboard. Cringing from the sound, you notice an odd creature in a white lab coat hustling around the corner of the lab, giggling to itself. Its arms are laden with more cans labeled “white paint” than should be possible for its size.

“Igor! What are you doing?! Hurry up!” you hear a familiar voice shout from inside the lab.

The male toko turns to raise a brow at you. You give a little shrug of your shoulders and walk through the gate. You hear the family enter behind you. Ravens in dead trees caw at you as you try to ignore the multitude of odd sounds that fill the graveyard surrounding the lab. You pretend that a majority of the sounds are not coming from the actual graves. Behind you, one of the puppies yelped in surprise at something.

Suddenly, a ghostly pale face with a shock of silver hair and large eyes appears on the side of the door frame. You yelp like a puppy, jumping backwards. The face splits into a wide, toothy grin, emitting a trilling laugh like a hyena. The head rights itself as Dr. Gaskin steps fully into the doorway. A quick glance behind you shows the two puppies hiding under their dad.

“Thanks for the laugh! I’ve never heard an adult toko make that noise before,” Gaskin says, chuckling again. If you were expecting an apology for startling you, you’re very disappointed. The doctor’s large eyes blink at you, peering around you at the family.

“Are you here for work or an early…drop off?” He asks, peering at the puppies.

“Work. What exactly is it you need?” The dad toko says with an edge in his voice.

“Ah. Excellent! Excellent!” Gaskin claps his hands. Igor appears behind the doctor, handing him a few empty plastic jack-o-lanterns before disappearing again. He gestures for you to take the jack-o-lanterns.

“Inside you’ll find a list of items I need and locations you’ll find them at. We need some toys and chews to keep our experi….guests occupied until they get picked up. The more you bring me, the better you’ll be rewarded.

And, we have this trophy!” Gaskin says with a flourish of his hand, gesturing to the right of the door, where Igor stood holding the corner of a sheet covering a large object you swear wasn’t there before. Igor yanks the sheet off the object, shouting “Ta-Da!!” in the most off-key way possible. Before the sheet hits the ground, both Igor and Gaskin have disappeared with the door noiselessly shut tight. You stare at the huge metallic pumpkin statue…trophy…thing. You have no idea what you’d do with it, but you want it.

  • Depict your Tokota in Gaskin’s graveyard in some way. Gaskin does not need to be shown.
  • Stuffed Pumpkin x 1,Tokoween Trick-or-Treat Tote x 1, Pumpkin x 2, Graveyard Clutter x 1

The Challenge

To complete this challenge, you can do activities, AoAs, RoDs, PotAs, CEs, or Pvps themed with the above prompts. If you get stuck, you may use the Optional part to give you ideas.
  • A Tracker is available to help you keep up with all the prompts! Find it Here.Please make a copy by going to File > Make a copy. You may change the colors, just no neon, please.
  • Art and Literature are both very welcome!
  • All artwork must be created after October 1, 2023 to count for this Challenge.
  • One prompt per piece.
  • All art must be done by you or at least collabed.
  • Pieces may be from any area of the group.
  • Pieces must be processed in their department BEFORE you submit for an achievement.
  • You may count the intro quest as one of the above challenge prompts, as long as it fits both the quest and prompt.
  • For prompt 29, if you’re not in a tribe, you may do a regular collab.
  • Turn in your prompts when you complete any 5, 15 or all 31 themed prompts at the Tokotober Challenge thread on the Quest Journal.

Bronze Tokotober Achievement -Complete 5 prompts
Stuffed Pumpkin x 1, Tokoween Trick-or-Treat Tote x 1

Silver Tokotober Achievement-Complete 15 prompts
Stuffed Pumpkin x 1, Tokoween Trick-or-Treat Tote x 2, Tokoween Grab Bag x 2

Gold Tokotober Achievement- Complete 31
Stuffed Pumpkin x 2, Tokoween Trick-or-Treat Tote x 2, Tokoween Grab Bag x 2, Black Cat x 1

Form to include in each themed piece:

Tokotober Prompt Number:
Collab: Y/N
How is this prompt reflected in your piece?:


  • May I use Tamings, Quest, TCA Reqs, etc for the prompts?
    • Yes, as long as they fit the prompts.
  • Question?
  • Question?
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