Tokotna Register

Dorito 33587

Average | Male | Half Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 04/13/2018
Dorito 33587
Aurora Perks

Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
Aippaq's Inheritance - 200 HP for Dominant
55 HP
Tokens: 0
Faction (PB): 25
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Lamb Totem: 15
139/200 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+55 Applied HP55
Puppy Playtime
(by craeve - 925334316)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +3(ID 59542 is superstar II)12
playful Romp
(by bela-designs - 850216858)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(breed)6
TribeExp Quad58D
(by lached-out - 928612276)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +3(ID 60364 is a tribemate HC)9
TribeExp Quad58A
(by lached-out - 928611899)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Sikrinerk lore) +3(ID 60364 is a tribemate HC)11
TribeExp Quad58B
(by lached-out - 928612128)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(ID 10 starter) +3(ID 60364 is a tribemate HC)11
TribeExp Quad58C
(by lached-out - 928612252)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(ID 10 starter) +3(ID 60364 is a tribemate HC)11
Yes This is Indeed a Puppy
(by craeve - 936186176)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +3(ID 59542 is superstar II)12
Going the Hard Way
(by craeve - 928703456)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +3(ID 59542 is superstar II)12
20/250 Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Craeve RoD 1
(by ascolath - 947091843)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite) +1(1 companion)7
Craeve RoD 2
(by ascolath - 950276322)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite)6
Craeve RoD 3
(by ascolath - 950436037)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite) +1(1 companion)7
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total