Tokotna Register

Asami 48475

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Toki
Achieved on 02/02/2023
Reached on 03/04/2023
Tier 1 Bonded on 01/27/2023
Asami 48475
Custom Message
Japanese meaning morning beauty

Applied HP
48 HP
Tokens: 14
AoA (Excellent): 10
Awards: 4
Bonded: 20
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+48 Applied HP48
T Blaze and xxGaea Hunts 1
(by monophobiiax - 948393234)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Hunts 2
(by monophobiiax - 948393238)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Hunts 3
(by monophobiiax - 948393237)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
Toko AoA 3 3 Asami 48475
(by xxgaea - 947012305)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)16
48475 Asami
(by xxgaea - 945878864)
2(fb colored) +4(non-com) +2(equipped)8
Toko Bonding 1 3 Asami 48475
(by xxgaea - 946479974)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)16
Toko Bonding 2 3 Asami 48475
(by xxgaea - 946545472)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)16
Toko Bonding 3 3 Asami 48475
(by xxgaea - 946564223)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)16
Toko AoA 1 3 Asami 48475
(by xxgaea - 946677239)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)16
Toko AoA 2 3 Asami 48475
(by xxgaea - 946950870)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)16
Toko Asami March Daffodils
(by xxgaea - 947091690)
2(head colored shaded) +4(non-com)6
T Blaze and Gaea Explores 4
(by monophobiiax - 947393475)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and Gaea Explores 3
(by monophobiiax - 947393482)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and Gaea Explores 2
(by monophobiiax - 947393490)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and Gaea Explores 1
(by monophobiiax - 947393496)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
Explores 1 For Thepagansystem
(by cryptid-corvidae - 947419062)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR)6
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 5
(by monophobiiax - 948802589)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 4
(by monophobiiax - 948802592)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
240/300 (4 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 3
(by monophobiiax - 948802597)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 2
(by monophobiiax - 948794383)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 1
(by monophobiiax - 948794390)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Hunts 7
(by monophobiiax - 948794386)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Hunts 6
(by monophobiiax - 948658155)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Hunts 4
(by monophobiiax - 948658163)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T xxGaea Explores 6
(by monophobiiax - 948922643)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T xxGaea Explores 5
(by monophobiiax - 948922645)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 7
(by monophobiiax - 948917985)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
T Blaze and xxGaea Fishes 6
(by monophobiiax - 948917988)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +2(Udu lore) +2(ID 54502 is superstar)10
Toko TCA Rehoming Feb2023 63317 Amora
(by xxgaea - 949060406)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +3(loyal handler)11
T xxGaea and Ghostie CE 1
(by monophobiiax - 949648874)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(show)6
RoD Deer Strolling around
(by moonyarsaraidh - 949103775)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite) +2(ID 10 starter) +2(Udu lore) +3(ID 53377 is superstar II) +2(ID 53377 is fun sized) +1(1 companion) 16
RoD Deer Lazy day
(by moonyarsaraidh - 949103783)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite) +2(ID 10 starter) +2(Udu lore) +3(ID 53377 is superstar II) +2(ID 53377 is fun sized) +1(1 companion) 16
RoD Deer We mean no harm
(by moonyarsaraidh - 949103767)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite) +2(ID 10 starter) +2(Udu lore) +3(ID 53377 is superstar II) +2(ID 53377 is fun sized) +1(1 companion) 16
Tokotas Group Fishing Three
(by xxgaea - 950279401)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +4(non-com)10
Tokotas Group Fishing Two
(by xxgaea - 950279385)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +4(non-com)10
Tokotas Group Fishing One
(by xxgaea - 950279410)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR) +4(non-com)10
ThePaganSystem Owed Explore
(by runearpg - 950966111)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(AR)6
Tokotas Just Vibin
(by gzb-uwakimono - 951465976)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(AR)7
T xxGaea CE 4
(by monophobiiax - 952519318)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(show)6
T xxGaea CE 3
(by monophobiiax - 952519321)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(show)6
T xxGaea CE 2
(by monophobiiax - 952519323)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(show)6
COM Woodland Serenity
(by bijutsuyoukai - 951032083)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(loyal handler) +2(equipped)10
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total