Tokotna Register

Nox 9861

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 03/22/2016
Reached on 07/17/2022
Tier 1 Bonded on 05/15/2022
Nox 9861


CE Working Gold Trophy
CE Working Gold Trophy
Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
47 HP
Tokens: 0
AoA (Average): 5
Tribal Prestige: 5
Awards: 7
Tribal Dominance: 10
Bonded: 20
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+47 Applied HP47
The Last Sight
(by the-shellcat - 595733187)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +3(Voltaire 02 loyal starter)10
RoF Why does he have no saddle
(by the-shellcat - 595193349)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler)10
Rite of Merit Wild Trait Hunting
(by makoes - 587144952)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +2(rite) +3(loyal handler) +3(Malaika 9492 is a tribemate HC)12
WQ Seeing Things
(by lachtaube - 589229632)
5(1132 WC) +4(non-com) +3(WQ) +3(loyal handler) +3(Harley 10521 is a tribemate HC)18
The Whole Gang s Here
(by furyred - 617461562)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(PL explore) +3(Boon 11072 loyal starter) +3(Cordelia 12672, Rookjaw 14966, Barely 14372 are alpha tokotas)14
That Fish Came From Where
(by 13-kira-13 - 588393263)
2(fb colored)2
Under the Weather Into the Cold
(by fantasytoart - 584358807)
12(2572 WC) +3(WQ) +3(loyal handler) +1(Vine 7234 is alpha tokota) +3(Vine 7234 is a tribemate HC)22
Group Knowledge AoA
(by shiruberu - 588578249)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(loyal handler) +1(Melanthios 7709 is alpha tokota) +3(Melanthios 7709 is superstar II)12
Exp Into the Woods
(by lachtaube - 600023695)
7(1498 WC) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) +3(loyal handler)17
The Safe Way Down
(by tauriiga - 599204918)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(loyal handler) +3(Fenrir 1886 loyal starter) +1(Murdoch 8140 is alpha tokota) +3(Murdoch 8140 is a tribemate HC)15
RP OH What Fun Nox and Tikani
(by lachtaube - 591328516)
24(4920 WC) +2(collab)26
Exp Amber Waves of Grain
(by lachtaube - 600684164)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(PL explore) +2(collab) +3(loyal handler) +1(Almost 9229 is alpha tokota)14
Merry Band
(by starlight-arpg - 807555767)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(PL explore) +3(Almost 9229, Luma 23409, Nashua 35751 are alpha tokotas)11
Squishy Puppys
(by starlight-arpg - 808223470)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +3(PL explore) +2(Almost 9229, Luma 23409 are alpha tokotas)10
(by babykitten123 - 816708650)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +3(PL fish) +3(Truly 29675, Roughly 39939, Nahsua 35751 are alpha tokotas) +2(Truly 29675 is superstar)12
79/300 (2 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Bonds Nox Breaking the Ice
(by lached-out - 916123322)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(Our Brother 57439 is superstar)10
Bonds Nox Your Babysitter
(by lached-out - 916123591)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(Sikrinerk lore) +2(Our Brother 57439 is superstar)12
RoD Nox 3
(by redetsky - 922668359)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +2(Lote Polne lore)9
RoD Nox 2
(by redetsky - 922668342)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +3(Mauja 10 loyal starter)10
RoD Nox 1
(by redetsky - 922668334)
3(fb colored shaded) +2(bg) +2(rite) +1(1 companion)8
CE Nox CM Working 1
(by lached-out - 996269008)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show) +2(Snowball 38065, Roughly 39939 are alpha tokotas) +2(Snowball 38065 is superstar)14
CE Our Bucket is Bigger
(by lached-out - 1025084271)
2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(show) +2(Snowball 38065, Roughly 39939 are alpha tokotas) +2(Snowball 38065 is superstar)14
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total