Tokotna Register

Snow Syren 15549

Dominant | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 06/24/2016
Reached on 10/24/2016
Snow Syren 15549

Snow Syren
Sy, Snowball, The Renster
Canarctos venatori
Albino on marked collared brown with accents, pangare and black points
Not Bonded
Yes - Breeding Slot Inquiries Welcome!
179 cm
Base Color Info
Mabon Brown (DDD), Vine Brown (DD)
Special bases that only appear on last line are not passable to offspring.
------------------------------------------ SSS: Reginald NFS 513
----------------- SS: Saren 4480
------------------------------------------ SSD: Azhela 2427
Sire: Rai 11089
------------------------------------------ SDS: Handsome Jack 6000
----------------- SD: Nai 8725
------------------------------------------ SDD: Ereshkigal 4891
------------------------------------------ DSS: Magnos 6954
----------------- DS: Astaroth 7596
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Veralidaine 13027
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Vine 7234
------------------------------------------ DDD:Mabon 6420
Physical Traits
Non-Physical Traits
Creature Whisperer: Increased chance to locate companions in an exploring or caving activity.
Snow White II: Up to four companions allowed.
Special Traits (Non-Hereditary)
Courage: Provides a +5 bonus to Racing and Teamwork Competitions.
Aippaq's Inheritance - 450 HP for Alpha
5 HP
Tracked: 0
Applied: 5
Tokens: 0
AoA (Average): 5
Bright Flashlight: Increases success chance of finding items while exploring by 15%. (Will replace Dull Flashlight if already owned)
Carabiner: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when caving.
Carbon Fiber Rope: Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a caving expedition to 1%. (Replaces Rope)
Diving Light: Increases the probability of finding corals on a diving trip.
Flint Arrows: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%.
Flippers: Increases chance of finding an Elemental Heart by 1% when diving.
Headlamp: Increases probability of finding gems while on a caving trip by 15%.
Oxygen Tank: Increases chance of collecting rarer items by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a diving expedition to 1%. (Replaces Snorkel)
Sturdy Bow: Increases chance of collecting rarer pelts on a hunt by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a hunt to 1%. (can be doubled with Flint Arrows, replaces Basic Bow)
Sturdy Rod: Increases chance of collecting rarer fish by 10%, reduces possibility of failing a fishing trip to 1%. (replaces Basic Rod)
Black Cat
Black Cat
Grants overall luck. Increases the rarity of items found in all Activities.
Deer (Melanistic)
While Exploring, increases maximum possible items found by 1.
Pygmy Cave Lion
Pygmy Cave Lion (Melanistic)
Small increase to chance to find an Elemental Heart while Caving.
Unlocks the chance to find abandoned Tokota puppies of all builds while participating in all activities.