Tokotna Register

No Hopers, Jokers and Rogues ๐ŸŽธ 63199

Average | Male | Yeti Mane | Dire [25%]
No Hopers, Jokers and Rogues ๐ŸŽธ 63199
Aurora Perks
Custom Message
โ€œCome all you no-hopers, jokers and rogues,
weโ€™re on the road to nowhere - letโ€™s find out where it goes.
It might be a ladder to the stars, who knows?โ€

Slot Perms are not tracked in the Slots Used Total, the above total only reflects slots that have been offically used. The Permissions List below is not officially tracked and is updated exclusively by the owner.
Slot Breakdown
Available: 8
Used: 0
Total: 8
Average: 8
Permissions List
Perm User Type Used Litter