Tokotna Register



Member - The Lighthouse Keeper


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Results: 1-12 of 39 Results
Pyrrhus 28461
Alpha | Male | Natural Mane | Dire [25%]
Marked collared brown with accents and pangare
Traits: Big Boned II, Excellent Con. II, Creature Whisp., Snow White II, Hunter, Primal Hunter, Caver, Diver
Tack: Hunting, Caving, & Diving
Companions: Bear, Bison, Black Cat, Stork, Wolverine
SB: Fenix, Melanthios
HP | Slots | Forms
Chili 32130
Average | Female | Sphinx Mane | Tokota
Marked collared greying dun brown with accents
Traits: Friendly Foe, Hardy, Thrill Seeker, Natural Competitor, Snow White
Tack: Leg Protectors, Sturdy Bow
Companions: Akita, Chipmunk, Karelian Bear Dog
SB: Melisandre
HP | Slots | Forms
Cricket 33714
Alpha | Female | Half Mane | Dire [50%]
Marked collared greying dun tawny with accents, blanket, rainmarks and barring
Traits: Explorer, Lucky, Flexibility II
Tack: Exploring & Caving
Companions: Chicken, Deer, Stoat
SB: Drogo, Tonga
HP | Slots | Forms
Sneakers 34094
Dominant | Female | Sphinx Mane | Dire [25%]
Marked collared lilac black with accents
Traits: Aippaqs Fortune II, Brawny II, Camouflage II, Gregarious II, Impeccable Stamina II, Snow White II, Stout Heart II, Swift Feet II, Thick Coat II, Waterproof II
Tack: CEs, Hunting, & ARs
Companions: Great Dane, Mini. Horse, Snow Lep., Wolf
HP | Slots | Forms
Shrike 43816
Dominant | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Marked collared greying tawny with accents
Traits: Hunter, Lucky, Mediator, Peaceful Soul, Popular, Snow White II, Superstar
Tack: General ARs
Companions: Kingfisher, Swan
SB: Volt
HP | Slots | Forms
Ghost 66912
Submissive | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Albino on marked collared brown piebald merle with liver points, accents, saddle and tan points
No - Not Breedable
Traits: Friendly Foe, Hardy, Natural Competitor
Tack: Bright Flashlight, Leg Protectors
Companions: Borga Sprite, Lop Rabbit, Porcupine
HP | Slots | Forms
Wren 23668
Submissive | Female | Natural Mane | Tokota
Collared greying tawny piebald with accents, blanket and vitiligo
No - Not Breedable
Traits: None
Tack: Brawls
Companions: None
SB: Tonga
HP | Slots | Forms
Rain 36206
Average | Female | Yeti Mane | Tokota
Marked collared lilac brown with accents, rainmarks and saddle
Traits: Cleverness, Swift Feet, Talented Lineage
Tack: Hunting & Fishing
Companions: Peregrine Falcon, Cat
HP | Slots | Forms
Holly 44662
Average | Female | Half Mane | Tokota
Marked collared brown with accents
Traits: Explorer, Skill Seeker, Snow White
Tack: Crafted Lantern, Atlas
Companions: Reindeer
HP | Slots | Forms
Ishiko 51332
Submissive | Female | Short Mane | Toki
Marked collared greying brown with dapple
No - Not Breedable
Traits: Cleverness II, Companion Tracker, Lucky
Tack: None
Companions: None
HP | Slots | Forms
Whiskey 53195
Average | Male | Natural Mane | Tokota
Marked collared cream tawny with accents, bearmarks and rainmarks
Traits: Caver, Snow White, Tailor
Tack: Caving
Companions: Bat, Burrowing Owl, Salamander
HP | Slots | Forms
Jericho 53477
Submissive | Male | Rough Mane | Tokota
Marked collared greying black piebald with accents and pangare
Yes - Not Breedable
Traits: Brawny, Caver, Explorer, Flexibility, Snow White, Swift Feet
Tack: None
Companions None
HP | Slots | Forms
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