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Breeding - Builds

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Each of the Tokota Builds affects several aspects of breeding. Builds dictate the breeding compatibility between two Tokotas as some builds have restrictions with which builds they can be bred to. The build pairings will determine both the litter size and the resulting builds of the puppies born in each litter.

Build Compatibility

Each build has different breeding compatibility with the other builds. There is no way to breed two incompatible builds. The below chart lists each possible build combination with a check mark to represent builds that can be bred together.

Standard Toki Dire Akota Dakino Tokhara Miralta Makhata Sinaka
Standard X
Toki X X X X X
Dire X X X X X
Akota X X X X X X X
Dakino X X X X X X
Tokhara X X X X X
Miralta X X X X X X
Makhata X X X X X X
Sinaka X X X X X

Litter Sizes

The minimum and maximum amount of pups that can be born in a litter are determined based on the parents' builds. This is further modified by the parents' hierarchies and any supplementary items such as consumables, traits and companions.
The charts below list out the minimum and maximum for the different build combinations, as well as any items that can affect the size of litters.

Supplement Items
Each build has it's own unique Consumables, Totems, and Traits that affect their litter size. Not every build has a version of everything, please check the table below for details. Regardless of type everything has the same effect and does not stack.

Build Supplement Item Crafted Item Trait Totem Companion
Standard / Toki Fertility Supplements Homemade Fertility Supplements Oona's Blessing Bumblebee Totem Swan
Dire / Miralta Close Care Homemade Close Care Amber's Blessing Moose Totem Kinkajou
Akota / Makhata Chonk Chews Homemade Chonk Chews Kodiak's Blessing Rhinoceros Totem Panda
Dakino Breeder Box Homemade Breeders Box Bede's Blessing Capybara Totem Capybara
Tokhara / Sinaka Runner Rations Homemade Runner Rations Shenzi's Blessing Okapi Totem Koala

Large Litters
The following table is used for breedings between:
  • Standard x Standard
  • Standard x Toki
  • Toki x Toki
Minimum Maximum
Base Litter Size 1 4
Dominant Sire 2 4
Dominant Dam 2 5
With Supplement Item - 6
Spirit Dove +1 -
Lavender +1 +1

Medium Litters
The following table is used for breedings between:
  • Standard x Dire
  • Standard x Dakino
  • Standard x Tokhara
  • Standard x Miralta
  • Standard x Makhata
  • Standard x Sinaka
  • Toki x Tokhara
  • Toki x Sinaka
  • Miralta x Miralta
  • Tokhara x Sinaka
Minimum Maximum
Base Litter Size 1 3
Dominant Sire 2 3
Dominant Dam 2 4
With Supplement Item - 5
Spirit Dove +1 -
Lavender +1 +1

Small Litters
The following table is used for breedings between:
  • Dire x Dire
  • Dire x Akota
  • Dire x Miralta
  • Akota x Akota
  • Dakino x Dakino
  • Dakino x Makhata
  • Tokhara x Tokhara
  • Makhata x Makhata
  • Sinaka x Sinaka

Minimum Maximum
Base Litter Size 1 2
Dominant Sire 2 2
Dominant Dam 2 3
With Supplement Item - 4
Spirit Dove +1 -
Lavender +1 +1

Build Chances

Supplement Items
Each build also has traits and crafted consumables to increase build pass rates in breedings.

Build Trait Crafted Item
Standard - Standard Spritzer
Toki Small Stature Tiny Terror Tincture
Dire Big Boned Dire Remedy
Akota Ancient Blood Primal Potion
Dakino Stout Heart Kino Tonic
Tokhara Spicy Soul Sprinter Solution
Miralta Timid Toes Tall Draught
Makhata Ferocious Claws Fearsome Serum
Sinaka Scheming Spirit Foxy Brew

Toki Percentages
Tokis can only breed with other Tokis, and with Standard Tokotas. These charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Toki or Standard Tokota.
Tokis can very rarely appear in breedings between two Standard Tokotas.

Toki Pup Chance 100% 30%
Standard Pup Chance - 70%

Dire Percentages
Dires can breed with other Dires, Akotas, and with Standard Tokotas. The following charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Dire or Standard Tokota.
For breeding chances with Akotas, please see the following section for charts.

Dire Save Chance

All Dire Breedings have a possibility for a “Dire Save Chance” or DSC for short. The Dire Save Chance means that in breedings with Dire offspring potential, there is now a chance to roll Dire pups that are one step lower in Dire percentage. This takes up part of the Standard build pup chance. Meaning that overall your chances of getting Dire pups of any percentage are increased.
DSC is a flat 10% chance and only affects litters that have the potential for 25%+ Dire pups. Only Dire Remedy may increase the DSC.

Dire [ALL] x Standard Tokotas

Dire Pup Chance Dire Pup % Dire Save Chance DSC Pup % Standard Pup Chance
Standard - - - - 100%
10% Dire 5% 10% Dire - - 95%
25% Dire 13% 10% Dire - - 87%
50% Dire 25% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 65%
75% Dire 38% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 52%
100% Dire 50% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 40%

Dire [ALL] x Dire [10%]

Dire Pup Chance Dire Pup % Dire Save Chance DSC Pup % Standard Pup Chance
Standard 5% 10% Dire - - 95%
10% Dire 12% 10% Dire - - 88%
25% Dire 20% 10% Dire - - 80%
50% Dire 32% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 58%
75% Dire 45% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 45%
100% Dire 57% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 33%

Dire [ALL] x Dire [25%]

Dire Pup Chance Dire Pup % Dire Save Chance DSC Pup % Standard Pup Chance
Standard 13% 10% Dire - - 87%
10% Dire 20% 10% Dire - - 80%
25% Dire 30% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 60%
50% Dire 43% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 47%
75% Dire 55% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 35%
100% Dire 68% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 22%

Dire [ALL] x Dire [50%]

Dire Pup Chance Dire Pup % Dire Save Chance DSC Pup % Standard Pup Chance
Standard 25% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 65%
10% Dire 32% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 58%
25% Dire 43% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 47%
50% Dire 60% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 30%
75% Dire 73% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 17%
100% Dire 85% 75% Dire 10% 50% Dire 5%

Dire [ALL] x Dire [75%]

Dire Pup Chance Dire Pup % Dire Save Chance DSC Pup % Standard Pup Chance
Standard 38% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 52%
10% Dire 45% 25% Dire 10% 10% Dire 45%
25% Dire 55% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 35%
50% Dire 73% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 17%
75% Dire 80% 75% Dire 10% 50% Dire 10%
100% Dire 90% 75% Dire 10% 50% Dire -

Dire [ALL] x Dire [100%]

Dire Pup Chance Dire Pup % Dire Save Chance DSC Pup % Standard Pup Chance
Standard 50% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 40%
10% Dire 57% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 33%
25% Dire 68% 50% Dire 10% 25% Dire 22%
50% Dire 85% 75% Dire 10% 50% Dire 5%
75% Dire 93% 75% Dire 7% 50% Dire -
100% Dire 100% 100% Dire - - -

Akota Breeding Percentages
Akotas can only be bred with other Akotas and with Dires. The below chart accounts for the combinations of Akotas and Dires of all percentages.
These charts list both the chance of a pup being born an Akota or Dire. Dire pups born will match the Dire parent's percentage.
All Akota x Dire breedings have a 10% chance to result in a Dakino. This chance can be increased or decreased by using the respective traits and crafted items.

10% Dire
25% Dire
50% Dire
75% Dire
100% Dire
Akota Pup Chance 9% 23% 45% 67% 90% 100%
Dire Pup Chance 81% 67% 45% 23% - -
Dakino Pup Chance 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% -

Dakino Percentages
Dakinos can only breed with other Dakinos, Makhatas, and Standard Tokotas. These charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Dakino, Makhata, or Standard.
While born from Dire and Akota breedings, Dakinos cannot breed to either build.
Dakino Pup Chance 50% 35% 25%
Makhata Pup Chance - 35% -
Standard Pup Chance 50% 30% 75%

Tokhara Percentages
Tokharas can breed with other Tokharas, Tokis, and with Standard Tokotas. These charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Tokhara, Toki, or Standard.
Tokhara Pup Chance 60% 30% 30%
Toki Pup Chance - 30% 10%
Standard Pup Chance 40% 40% 60%

Miralta Percentages
Miraltas can breed with other Miraltas, Dires, and with Standard Tokotas. These charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Miralta, Dire, or Tokota.
Dire pups will always be one step lower in percentage compared to their dire parent.
10% Dire
25% Dire
50% Dire
75% Dire
100% Dire
Miralta Pup Chance 30% 40% 40% 30% 20% 10% -
Standard Pup Chance 70% 60% 60% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Dire Pup Chance - - - 30% 20% 10% -

Makhata Percentages
Makhatas can only breed with other Makhatas, Dakinos, and Standard Tokotas. These charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Makhata, Dakino, or Standard.
Makhata Pup Chance 50% 35% 30%
Dakino Pup Chance - 35% -
Standard Pup Chance 50% 30% 70%

Sinaka Percentages
Sinakas can only breed with other Sinakas, Tokis, Tokharas, and Standard Tokotas. These charts list both the chance of a pup being born a Sinaka, Toki, Tokhara, or Standard.
Sinaka Pup Chance 50% 30% 30% 30%
Toki Pup Chance - 30% - -
Tokhara Pup Chance - - 30% -
Standard Pup Chance 50% 40% 40% 70%


  • Will any of the incompatible builds ever be compatible? Will there ever be a way to override compatibility?
    • No, there are no plans to change build compatibility at this time.
      Stop trying to breed for Dokis! >[