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Protectors, Thresholds, Songs
  • Shown
  • A large, rust colored Tibetan Mastiff with a spiked wolf collar
  • An Asiatic Lion with a leather collar and cow bell around its neck
  • A monk in orange robes with a long, greying beard
Born from lava as it poured into the sea, Komman came into existence in the shadow of Ravarri with the smell of salt air, smoke, and sulphur in his nose. A bright glow, pleasant smelling smoke, and the occasional ringing of a bell are said to emanate from the censer that Komman carries.

He was charged with guarding the inhabitants from the dark spirits that stalk the rocky landscape. Not a day has passed without their giving thanks for Komman’s protection. In their legends, it was Komman who stood guard over humans and tokotas as they first explored and settled the lands that would become Alurik, back in the days when Ravarri’s eruptions were unpredictable and devastating. He guarded their homes and settlements from the dark spirits that inhabited the harsh landscape and preyed on their fear. But he soon guarded them from less spiritual threats as well, protecting them from other groups of people or tokotas whose own fear caused them to lash out at those who could have been their allies.

The smoke that emanates from Komman’s glowing censer hangs in the air long after it would normally dissipate and has a smell specific to every creature, both light and dark, which soothes their spirit. Many who have heard the ringing claimed to feel a weight lift from their shoulders, which many of the monastic orders have compared to fleeting feelings of true peace and enlightenment. For dark spirits quite the opposite occurs, with the sound of the bell sending many small or weaker spirits retreating into the shadows.

Komman remains a diligent guard to the people or tokotas of Alurik, even as the land they live in is tamed, their settlements grow into cities and move across the region, and their knowledge of the eruptions expands. When he is not specifically called upon, Komman wanders the borders of long abandoned towns and structures. He can also at times be found sitting still as a stone in quiet areas of the region with his eyes closed, as if in meditation. Many believe that he can see through the eyes of his statues when he does this, and knows where he is needed most.

Original deity inspiration by The-Nerd01
Deity art by The-Nerd01