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Long Mane

More Smooth

The Long is a rare mane type found in tokotas, and displays on all build types. Long mane gets its name from the longer than usual fur on its neck, chest, cheeks, and tail. It also has medium-length fur on the haunches. The Long mane also presents itself in "feathering" on the feet and ankles, though this is most prominent on Dire tokotas. The remainder of the body features the classic short fur usually found on the body. As with all tokota fur, this mane is a double coat that repels water.

The lush and silky fur of the Long manes was originally a mutation of the yeti mane. It has since been sought out by those wishing for the perfect show companion, much like those of the Curly mane mutation, however some breeders found practical uses for this gorgeous mane. Some found that the mane could be spun and woven, much as sheep's wool could be, often being used in artistic pieces, such as tapestries.

Those who chose to use their Long maned tokotas for hunting and similar tasks will braid the mane and tail to keep it out of the way, sometimes keeping it simple so that it could be easily undone if handler and tokota found themselves stranded on a mountain and needed the extra warmth.

Mane Variants:

Gala Long Mane

The Gala variant appears randomly when a Long Mane is bred with a Curly Mane.

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