Tokotna Register

Nukka 62259

Dominant | Female | Rough Mane | Tokota
Achieved on 08/15/2023
Reached on 09/22/2023
Nukka 62259


Tribe Owned Tokota
Forged Gold Medal
Forged Gold Medal
Activity Successes
  • None Yet...
  • None Yet...
Applied HP
77 HP
Tokens: 52
AoA (Excellent): 10
Tribal Prestige: 5
Tribal Dominance: 10
250/250 Average to Dominant
Link Breakdown Total
+10 Applied HP10
Malt RoDs
(by leafstep - 975142139)
4(FB C+BG) +2(handler) +2(Sos lore) +1(ID 57611 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 57611 is superstar II)12
Feral Fishing D2
(by leafstep - 979005221)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Fishing D1
(by leafstep - 979005226)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Fishing D3
(by leafstep - 979005216)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Tier 3 1 15788
(by ezilyn - 944598432)
5(FB C/S+BG) +3(603 WC) +2(handler) +1(ID 15788 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 15788 is superstar II)14
Tier 2 3 15788
(by ezilyn - 944598416)
5(FB C/S+BG) +3(602 WC) +2(handler) +1(ID 15788 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 15788 is superstar II)14
Boba 3
(by leafstep - 961378719)
4(FB C+BG)4
Radiant 2
(by leafstep - 968840732)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 62556 is alpha tokota)5
Radiant 3
(by leafstep - 968840744)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 62556 is alpha tokota)5
Shepherd Bonding T2 1
(by leafstep - 969229157)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 57611 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 57611 is superstar II)8
Shepherd Bonding T2 2
(by leafstep - 969229155)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 57611 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 57611 is superstar II)8
Shepherd Bonding T2 3
(by leafstep - 969229153)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 57611 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 57611 is superstar II)8
Beelzebub 3
(by leafstep - 961378728)
4(FB C+BG)4
Iris PoTA 2
(by leafstep - 964568829)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 52980 is alpha tokota)5
Iris PoTA 3
(by leafstep - 964568983)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 52980 is alpha tokota)5
Kinipai 1
(by leafstep - 974759981)
4(FB C+BG)4
Kinipai 2
(by leafstep - 974759979)
4(FB C+BG)4
Kinipai 3
(by leafstep - 974759975)
4(FB C+BG)4
Pumpernickel 1
(by leafstep - 974759997)
4(FB C+BG)4
Pumpernickel 2
(by leafstep - 974759991)
4(FB C+BG)4
Pumpernickel 3
(by leafstep - 974759988)
4(FB C+BG)4
Retreat 1
(by leafstep - 974759974)
4(FB C+BG)4
Retreat 2
(by leafstep - 974759969)
4(FB C+BG)4
Brown Sugae 1
(by leafstep - 974758628)
4(FB C+BG)4
Brown Sugae 2
(by leafstep - 974758621)
4(FB C+BG)4
Brown Sugae 3
(by leafstep - 974758618)
4(FB C+BG)4
Peppermint 3
(by leafstep - 974939388)
4(FB C+BG)4
Peppermint 2
(by leafstep - 974939395)
4(FB C+BG)4
Peppermint 1
(by leafstep - 974939402)
4(FB C+BG)4
Methuselah Nukka AoAs
(by leafstep - 975450742)
Left: 4(FB C+BG) +2(rite) +2(Sos lore) || Middle: 4(FB C+BG) +2(rite) +2(Maguyuk lore) || Right: 4(FB C+BG) +2(rite) +2(Maguyuk lore)24
Feral Fishing D4
(by leafstep - 979005211)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Fishing D5
(by leafstep - 979005206)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Fishing D6
(by leafstep - 979005201)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Explore D7
(by leafstep - 980460514)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Explore D8
(by leafstep - 980562582)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Explore D9
(by leafstep - 980562737)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Feral Explore D10
(by leafstep - 980562574)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
Shepherd T3 Bonding
(by leafstep - 979184278)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 57611 is alpha tokota) +3(ID 57611 is superstar II) x 324
132/300 (16 HP) Dominant to Alpha
Link Breakdown Total
Nukka RoDs
(by leafstep - 975450738)
Left: 4(FB C+BG) +2(rite) +2(Sivudlerk lore) || Middle: 4(FB C+BG) +2(rite) +2(Maguyuk lore) || Right:4(FB C+BG) +2(rite) +2(Sos lore)24
GothPrince PoTAs
(by leafstep - 980186289)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 62259 is alpha tokota) x 315
TackMaster PoTAs
(by leafstep - 980186294)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 62628 is alpha tokota) x 35
Sept23 Breeding Image
(by leafstep - 984190712)
4(FB C+BG) +2(breed)6
Blueberry PoTAs
(by leafstep - 985226291)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 49146 is alpha tokota) x 315
(by leafstep - 989526513)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 58005 is alpha tokota) x 315
Tiptoe RoDs REDO
(by leafstep - 989526502)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 54424 is alpha tokota) x 315
(by leafstep - 989526509)
4(FB C+BG) +1(ID 63606 is alpha tokota) x 315
Lease Hunt with Tribe Tokos 5
(by leafstep - 1011372713)
4(FB C+BG) +2(AR)6
0 Extra HP
Link Breakdown Total