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Continuous Events

Information | Rules & Requirements | Scoring | Prizes | FAQ


Continuous events are shows and competitions that will be rolled every time there are at least 5 entries in the folder, or if two weeks have passed since the oldest entry was submitted, whichever comes first and however frequently the admins' schedule allows. These seasonal activities will remain open for 3 consecutive months of the year before turning over to a different event at the new quarter.

> The current season's prompts can be found on the latest CE journal. <

Rules & Requirements

  • Each "round" has a maximum of five participants. A round is a scored group that compete against each other.
  • You cannot submit the same tokota twice in one class, until it has been judged.
  • You may create 10 continuous event entries per month for all classes, total.
  • There are three differently scored types of events: Activity, Practice, and Standard. All types share effort/RNG/competition bonuses, but are weighted differently for each type. There are many variables that can increase your score.
  • To participate, you must create a new tracker journal or add a section to your current trackers, where admins can respond with official event results.
  • You may only win first place once per class, per tokota, per month.
  • Entries are limited to 1 tokota (or team) per entry, with the exception of collaborations for a maximum of 2 tokotas (or teams). This applies across all event types and classes.
  • You must link your Tokotna Bank on the form so the admins can deposit your prizes!
  • Standard Events will have a cap of 100 applicable bonuses. If your Tokota has more than 100 bonus points, only the first 100 listed will apply.

Universal Art Requirements

  • Image must be at minimum 300x300 pixels to be valid. Pixel art may be scaled up to meet these requirements.
  • Images must be relatively clean and may not look sketchy and unfinished. All art will be judged against your own gallery standards.
  • Tokota(s) must be depicted as full body (75% visible) in order for entry to be valid.
    • Where required, Handlers, Starters, or Lore Figures must be depicted as half body (50% visible).
    • When required, prey animals must have at least 25% visibility to be valid.
  • A semi-complex background is required, following requirements in the Activities Visual Guide. Large open spaces should be colored, textured, shaded, or broken up by other shapes and elements. Generally you must have 3-4 unique elements for your background.
    • At least 50% of depicted Tokotas, handlers, prey, etc. must be on the background, not in transparent or white space.
  • Images must be colored and all depicted Tokotas must have identifiable markings.
  • Greyscale, Monochromatic, and Color Palette themed images are permitted. They are held to the above rules where all Tokotas must be identifiable with easily discernible markings.
  • Shading is optional and not required.
  • All art must be your own original work, adhere to rules laid out in the Group Rulebook and may not be re-used in multiple parts of the Tokotas group.
    • Tracing other artists' work, using bases, presets, premade 3D models, or AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generated Art is prohibited in all aspects of the Tokotas Group. You may not use it for any submission, as whole or part of an image.
  • You may have your images take place off Tokotna, and in fantastic settings. Tokotas may have your own personal lore which does not match that of the group. They must always be depicted as Tokotas, however, not real or fictional creatures of any other kind.

Continuous Events Specific Requirements

  • Where equipment is listed it must be shown at least 50% (e.g. sleds, tack).

Universal Literature Requirements

  • Literature entry must be at least 1200 words.
  • Entry should be focused on and relevant to the activity or prompt, with a clear beginning and end.
  • Tokota(s) must be present consistently through the entry. Generally a Tokota must be mentioned at least 6-7 times.
  • Where required, Handlers, Starters, or Lore Figures must also be present throughout entry with similar requirements to the above.
  • Entry should not be padded with overly excessive repetition of names, descriptions, etc.
  • All literature must be your own original work, adhere to rules laid out in the Group Rulebook and may not be re-used in multiple parts of the Tokotas group.
    • Plagiarizing other writers’ work or AI (Artificial Intelligence) Generated Literature is prohibited in all aspects of the Tokotas Group. You may not use it for any submission, as whole or part of an image.
  • You may have your stories take place off Tokotna, and in fantastic settings. Tokotas may have your own personal lore which does not match that of the group. They must always be depicted as Tokotas, however, not real or fictional creatures of any other kind.

Continuous Events Specific Requirements

  • None

How to Enter
Submit your entry to the class's linked folder with the appropriate form filled out in the description. Each event type's form is listed in its own section.


Judging for Activity Class Continuous Events
Your entry will be rolled as if it were a regular Activity entry. The winner is judged by the TT value* of the first item in the roll. If there is a tie, items will be compared down the line until there is a winner. RNG is a final tie-breaker.
You may redeem any resulting items in the bank's appropriate Activity Redeem Thread, just like any regular Activity entry. No other bonuses (effort, participation, background, etc.) are taken into account.

* Some items do not have a set TT value as they cannot be redeemed to the group for TT. The TCA has created a hypothetical price list for items that do not currently have a listed value. These items still cannot be sold back to the group, but should your tokota find any one of these in its Activity Events, they retain value towards the Event.

The results from successful activity rolls may count towards your tokota's Alpha Prerequisites!
Judging for Practice Class Continuous Events
Your entry will be judged numerically based on each prompt's eligible bonuses (companions, tack, etc), on top of a 40 point sliding scale each for Effort and RNG.
For these events, practice or persistence, is rewarded. You may use any of that tokota's previously failed Practice Event entries for +15 points each, until it wins: then its "practice bonus" resets to 0.
Practice entries carry from season to season. Practice bonuses do not apply to any other type of event, and do not apply to Alpha tokotas.

Scoring Breakdown

  • 1-40 RNG score
  • +1-40 Effort bonus
  • +10 for Dominant tokotas
  • +10 for Alpha tokotas
  • +15 for each previously failed entry (same Tokota and same class)
  • +Trait, Companion, Tribe, Faction, and Consumable item bonuses
  • -5 for Inbreeding penalties
  • -10 for Mild Sprained injuries / -20 for Moderate Sprained injuries / -30 for Severely Sprained injuries
  • -20 for applicable inbreeding defects (lame, blind, frail, spinal defects, deaf)
Judging for Standard Class Continuous Events
Your entry will be judged numerically based on each prompt's eligible bonuses (companions, tack, etc and up to 100 applicable bonus points), on top of a 40 point sliding scale each for Effort and RNG. See the scoring breakdown below.

Scoring Breakdown

  • 1-40 RNG score
  • +1-40 Effort bonus
  • +10 for Dominant tokotas
  • +10 for Alpha tokotas
  • +Trait, Companion, Tribe, Faction, and Consumable item bonuses
  • -5 for Inbreeding penalties
  • -10 for Mild Sprained injuries / -20 for Moderate Sprained injuries / -30 for Severely Sprained injuries
  • -20 for applicable inbreeding defects (lame, blind, frail, spinal defects, deaf)


Below are different lists of prizes you can receive based on your placement in any event. You cannot mix and match between delineated options.


  • Where are the old prizes from the original Continuous Events?
    • Original Continuous Event prizes, prompts, and information can be found here!
  • Where are the other Seasonal Continuous Events journals?
  • How much HP are HP Tokens worth?
    • HP Tokens are worth 2HP each, so 10 HP Tokens 10 Tokens * 2HP = 20HP, etc.!