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Newbie Quest Chain

Before You Begin | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Next Steps

Before You Begin

Everybody may complete this chain whether you're brand new to Tokotas or have been here since the beginning.
This quest chain is NOT valid for the Quest Hp Bonus
You MAY NOT commission art for Quest Chains. However, you may collab!
Each Prompt of the Quest Chain must be completed after you’ve received admin confirmation of the current leg. This means that you MAY NOT look ahead and just complete all of the art/lit needed ahead of time or use old admin comments in the case of needing things like Activities or AoAs to complete the quest chain leg.

Recommended reading before beginning:
  • GUIDE: Creating and Activating a Tokotna Account (Coming Soon!)
  • GUIDE: Redeeming Newbie Geno, Designing, Submitting to DC, Uploading (Coming Soon!)
  • GUIDE: Transferring a Tokotna Import on Tokotna (Coming Soon!)

Prompt One

Become a Quest Master

You stand on a busy street of a seemingly large city. You’re not quite sure how you got here or why you’re here. A voice from behind you breaks your musings.
“Ah, there you are! I’m Lola, Leader of the Token Brokers Faction. I’m here to assist in getting you settled in Tokotna. This is Coastal Tyonek. One of the largest known cities, if not the largest. I’m proud to say that my faction, the Token Brokers, have had a large hand in causing the growth of this city and others like it.
I would suggest checking the Monthly Quest board over by the Visitor’s center. There’s always a fun exercise posted at the beginning of the month that lasts until the sun sets on the last day of the month. The month’s quest giver will award you with useful items. Sometimes even a new companion for your Tokota!
Bring me the receipt from the quest giver and I’ll give you a little small tack pack to help you on your journey.”

  • Turn in a Monthly Quest. (If you have previously completed a monthly quest, you may use that. But this is the only step that may use previously made art.)
    • You can find the Monthly Quest on the home page of Tokotna.
    • To complete this part of the Quest Chain, you’ll need to have redeemed the quest on the Quest redemption Journal. Once your Monthly quest has been redeemed, post on the Newbie Quest Chain thread.
  1. Do the A Monthly Quest.
  2. Redeem it at the Quest Redemption Journal.
  3. Once your Quest has received the “Added” comment by the Quests-of-Tokotna, post on the Newbie Quest Chain thread to redeem Becoming a Quest Master.
  4. You will receive a reply from the questing account guiding you to the next leg of the chain.
    Art/literature for the next leg of the quest must be posted to your account after receiving the admin reply to Becoming a Quest Master.

Prompt Two

Participating in an Activity

Approaching one of the training facilities on the edge of town, you see a tall woman in athletic clothing leaning over a fence. She appears to be watching several tokotas and their handlers working in the area. Without turning around immediately, she addresses you: “Hello! I’m Raquel, Leader of the Pack Leader faction. Members of my faction aren’t afraid to get their hands, or paws, dirty.”
She gestures to the tokos and handlers in the field as you join her at the fence. “Tokotas can be trained to do a variety of different tasks. Sometimes, it can be a bit of a challenge to find an area they excel at, but it’s always worth it. These tokotas are being trained to find valuable plants and other items native to Tokotna. Other common areas tokotas are trained in are fishing and hunting.
As your tokota gains more experience, they can take on more dangerous prey or even go caving and diving. Occasionally, they’ll even make friends with a wild animal! Tokotas that excel at exploring the wilderness have been known to befriend beavers, raccoons and even reindeer. Black Cats are always lucky out here!
Before you and your tokota take on the wilds, I’d suggest checking out that tack pack Lola gave you. A well geared tokota will have more success in the field! As you and your tokota gain more experience, I’m sure you’ll find even more gear to help you on your journeys! Be sure to come back and see me after your first expedition.
I might have a little something for you… Now get out there and see what your tokota can do!”

  • Complete an explore, fishing or hunting Activity. You must provide a link to the admin's comment from your activity journal where the activity was rolled.
  1. Be sure to read these guides: Activities Rules, Activities Visual Guide
  2. Make sure you create an Activity tracker as mentioned on the Activities Rules Page under "How to Participate in Activities". They are required to participate in any activity.
  3. To submit your activity:
    1. Upload your activity to DeviantART.
    2. Go to your Tokota’s page and click on the Forms button.
    3. Navigate to the section for the correct activity, copy the form, and paste it into your DeviantART description.
  4. Make sure you’ve joined TokoCenter. On your Activity submission, look for Add to Group. Select TokoCenter and then the activity you want to submit.
  5. We strongly encourage you to apply your piece of tack to your toko before doing an activity as it will reduce the fail rate to 1% for hunting and fishing, and reduce the explore fail rate by 5%.
    1. To pick your piece of tack, go to your Bank page on Tokotna, and click the link to navigate to the Consumables section.
    2. Under Consumable section, look for the Basic Tack Pack item. You’ll see a little box next to it. Click the box to open the Tack Pack.
    3. From here, you can click on the item image to select the tack item you want. To see the name of the tack, hover over the image.
    4. Once you've selected your item, click ok.
  6. To apply tack to your Tokota, go to your tokota’s import page
    1. Click Edit Tokota to open the menu, then click the Tack button.
    2. On the Items line of the Tack page, start typing in the name of the tack you want to apply. This will autofill based on the available items in your bank.
    3. Once you'e selected the item name, press "Add Item".
    4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and hit "Save".
    5. Your tack should now be applied!

Prompt Three

Compete in a Continuous Event

You make your way into the arena. You see a woman with curly salt and pepper hair speaking to a handler running their toko through an agility course. You wait politely as she finishes up. She turns to you with a motherly smile.
“Hello, dear! I assume Raquel sent you to me? I’m Feodora Remmington, but you can call me Remy. I’m the leader of the Prestige Breeder faction. We focus on breeding the best of the best. My personal claim to fame is my success in the agility and obedience rings. If you’d like to try your hand at a competition, I can help you get started.”
She hands you a piece of paper with a list of events, times and locations. “If you have any questions about any of the competitions or any such thing, please let me know. Return to me with your competition scorecard and I’ll have something useful for your journeys.”

  • Compete in a Continuous Event. You must provide a link to the admin's comment from your career journal where the CE was rolled.
  1. The journal with current classes and info can always be found on the front page cycling hub of Tokotna under the TotemSpirit heading.
  2. The Practice Classes are excellent for a toko that might be under geared compared to their peers. Every time your toko doesn’t win, they get a buff towards their next attempt at a practice class.

Prompt Four

Bond your Tokota

As you approach Metzli’s home and round a bend in the path, a large moss color akota blocks your path, growling softly. Before you or your toko can react, you hear a voice call out, “Hey! Cedar, what are you doing? Come!”
As the large frame of the akota moves to answer the call, you see a tawny skinned woman farther down the path. She does a double take and then looks at you in surprise.
“Oh, hello! What are you doing all the way out here?” She nods as you explain your previous tasks and that Remy sent you to meet her. “Oh Excellent! I’m Metzli, Leader of the Lore Keepers. We Lore Keepers focus on keeping the stories and traditions of our ancestors alive. We’re also known for our connection to nature, spirits, the deities and our tokos. I love helping to foster the bond between a toko and their handler! With animals this large, you must know you can trust and rely on them.” She turns to walk back down the path, looking over her shoulder at you. “Follow me and I’ll help you get to know your toko better.”

  • Complete Tier One bonding with your tokota. You must provide a link to the admin's comment from where the bonding was processed
  • The current journal for bonding can always be found on the front page cycling hub of Tokotna under the Tokotime heading.
  1. Bonding Overview
  2. Tier 1 Bonding Guide
  3. The current journal for bonding can always be found on the front page cycling hub of Tokotna under the Tokotime heading.

Prompt Five

Go on an Adventure

“Sorry if I startled you. I’m Woody, the Leader of the Wilderness Trackers. My faction knows more about the wilderness than just about anybody. We’re consistently on the move. There’s nothing more exciting than exploring the unknown. I’m looking for someone to go on an adventure with me. I’m not particularly sure where yet, though…”
He hands you a few papers that appear to be different requests for help of some sort. “Here, you pick where we’re going.” You hold up one that looks the most interesting, trying to remember when you actually agreed to go on this adventure, but deciding it might be fun anyway.
“Excellent choice! I’ll see you there!” Before you can answer, the dense underbrush rustled as he scampered off.

  1. Your Toko must be bonded to complete an Adventure. Available adventures can be found at the Adventure Hub.
  2. It’s recommended to add the Hardy trait to your toko to reduce the severity of any injuries your toko might acquire.

Prompt Six

Earn your Arms of Akna

You find your way to a very clean looking building on the edge of town. You noticed no company name on the building, but the mailbox is simply labeled “Mitchel”. Shrugging, you assume this is the correct place. As you open the wooden gate, you notice several enclosures with very tall fences. Most seem to be empty. Two house what you assume to be a female tokota and her pups. Distracted, you didn’t notice a curly mane marble toki moving toward you. Your toko woofs a soft warning. As you look back to the path leading to the building, a pony sized tokota stops about five feet from you, tail wagging happily. You slowly put your hand forward and the toki shoves his nose into your palm. The toki bounds back down the path as the door of the building opens.
“I was wondering what was going on out here. You’ve had the honor of meeting Mitchel's Sir Percivale of the Fens, or Percy for short. Not to be rude, but why are you here?”
Taken a little aback, you explain that Woody sent you. “Oh, right! Apologies, we don’t get many visitors out here, do we, Percy?” To your surprise, Percy gives a gentle woof in response. “I’m Dr. Wilford Olle Mitchel, but everyone calls me Mitchel. I’m proud to be the leader of the Knowledge Seekers. We’re dedicated to solving the mysteries of Tokota through science and research. Now, to business. I’ve heard about your journeys around here. It seems you’re well on your way to making a name for yourself.”
He pauses to give your tokota an appraising look. “A fine tokota, indeed. I’d say it’s about time to see if they can earn their Arms of Akna, or AoA for short. Doing so will allow your tokota to breed as we only allow the best of the best to pass their genes on. Here’s a pamphlet explaining your options and the locations the different tests occur at. When your toko has passed their AoA, come back and show me their badge. I’ll have a little something for you in celebration.”

  • Pass a set of AoAs. You must provide a link to the admin's comment where your AoA was processed.
  1. The Arms of Akna is the badge your tokota earns from passing the Rites of Fertility.
  2. The current journal for Rites of Fertility can always be found on the front page cycling hub of Tokotna under the Totemspirit heading.

Prompt Seven

Join a Faction

As you approach Nanooks Rest, you notice a large grey stone statue fountain of a tokota at the entrance of the park. More interestingly, you notice all the faction leaders waiting by the fountain.
“Hello again, dear.” Remy says as she steps forward. “Now that you’ve had a bit of an introduction to our various factions, we’d like to invite you to join one of us. But, don’t worry. If it doesn’t work out, you’d be free to see if another faction would be a better fit for you.”

  1. To set your faction, go to Manage Profile.
  2. On the Faction line, select your chosen faction from the dropdown.
  3. Hit save to update your faction!
  4. You can change factions up to 4 times a year.

Next Steps

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